Will Sarah Jessica's Anal Obsessions Help SATC2 Ratings?
/Sarah Jessica Parker has experienced another anal-retentive moment, telling everyone on her press tour About the Time Kristin Davis had the Poops.
Smart women know that Carrie Bradshaw has an anal-retentive personality. Does this same psychological manifestation come to light with Sarah Jessica Parker?
Personally, I lost major respect for Carrie Bradshaw watching her obsess endlessly over her farts with Mr. Big. Any of us would be embarassed, but Carrie’s endless obsession with her personal farts, shows just how crazy a personality can be when it has little of substance to think about.
If Carrie spent any time in India or other impoverished countries, as I have, she would understand that a large population of the world’s population lives with stench of poop every day.
Just this morning I wrote about the favelas in Brazil and their oppressive smell of poop. It’s hard for the best, most talented people to smell the roses under such circumstances. And then I read this Gawker story about the “Sex and the City 2” PR moment. I will bite my tongue about Ms. Carrie Bradshaw and her real-life character.
In fact, Carrie’s obsession with “the poops” as Gawker calls it, could be just one more nail in the coffin that says the “Sex and the City” girls are so over. The cover of Entertainment Weekly made the stars look like cartoon characters.
Sarah Jessica’s poop obsession does little to present women as anything more than self-obsessed dingbats.
Here’s Carrie’s Mr. Big farting moment.
Watching her subsequent behavior, I don’t understand how this woman represents the third wave of feminism — a wave I argue never existed. No wonder we were derailed! I’m sorry, Carrie Bradshaw may be the helpless female, which appeals to a part of most women, but she’s positively infantile and hardly a role model in today’s challenging world.