Ozzie & Harriet Won't Help America's Severe Unhappiness Index
Psychology Today reports a common research theme among countries: America has become less happy in the last quarter of a century. The current stress of our nation splitting apart at the seams confirms what studies including the World Values Survey and the General Social Survey of the National Opinion Research Center tell us.
America’s great entrepreneurial spirit has declared that an entire citizenry should live for ‘the pursuit of happiness.’ Business has defined the American dream as entitlement and obvious status, creating an American Nightmare:
‘Two fat incomes plus a two-car garage plus two master-bathroom sinks plus two-point-something kids equals one happy family. To be sure, the recession has deferred some of the dream. Still, we imagine that in time we’ll realize the formula for a satisfied adulthood once more. We’ll land the job, catch the spouse, buy the house, have the kids. In short, we’ll live the better life,’ writes Lauren Sandler .
The immediate response is that such an argument confirms Sandler as a commie socialist who is out to undermine America. Actually, she’s just confirming well-established facts.
Conservatives like Phylis Schlafly and Sarah Palin continue to say that America is ‘obviously’ the best at everything, including its women’s rights. Tell that to the women who go to Planned Parenthood. Tell that to the American women whose bodies are becoming political battlefields across America.
Palin and Schlafly say feminism is to blame with everything that’s wrong with America.
Pursuit of ‘Happiness’ Highest in Scandinavia