Lewis Holland Clarke Is Tough Guy With Soft Edges By Andy Houghton for ADON Magazine #1 As 'One Blue Moment'

ADON arrives as an independent bi-monthly menswear magazine with a global community of creatives, founded by Roy Fire and Tal Peer operating out of New York.

In a debut issue story called ‘One Blue Moment’, model Lewis Holland Clarke [MINT Management NY] is photographed and styled by Andy Houghton with grooming by Lesley Wilks.

It appears that ADONS very cleverly slid under the watchful eyes of Kickstarter for about three weeks before their marketing campaign was pulled. I don’t think you can abandon a campaign in process because it’s not getting backers.

ADON promises plenty of skin, and if these images of Lewis Holland Clarke are an indicator, they’re not kidding around. The editorial carries plenty of gender fluidity, upscale eroticism, classic fantasy with the fireman’s helmet and a kick of fetish.~ Anne


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