Lara Stone and Monica Bellucci Choose To Eat Eve's Apple

Lara Stone | Be Delicious Like An Apple

The day after Lara Stone won her case against French Playboy’s unauthorized use of her photos, I wake up to her fruity beauty once again. It would be easy to chastise DKNY for ther extreme focus on product here.

When Lara Stone first broke into modeling, the problem was her generous golden apples. She tells stories of size -2 stylists looking at her horrified, saying ‘you’re too fat’ for these clothes. The problem is that she has breasts in a fashion world that dumped healthy, - women for androgynous models with almost no breasts.

Both women are beautiful, of course, but Lara Stone’s breasts don’t exist only for men’s pleasure. Lara’s extreme body confidence and comfortable self-image being naked suggest an inner exhibitionist at heart.

Lara Stone inspires us to be a Delicious Woman. In challenging prevailing, fashion beauty norms, the Dutch model tells us it’s okay to eat the apple. We are women and most of us have Eve breasts, regardless of fashion designers liking them or not.

Some designers say breasts “get in the way” of the design they’re creating and so they prefer women without them. We say breasts of every size are a bountiful blessing for the human species.

Smart Sensuality woman Donna Karan has always loved a female shape, so buy Donna Karan or DKNY and celebrate being delicious. No, this is not a paid for commentary. I just like the imagery and message that real sensuality comes from making peace with apples.

DKNY Be Delicious Woman

Monica Bellucci | Be A Juicy Pear

Yesterday’s post of Monica Bellucci’s Vanity Fair Italy photo and new art book brought lots of page reads.

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