Madly in Love | Julia Restoin Roitfeld's Kiki de Montparnasse Collection

I’m loving these images of Julia Restoin Roitfeld’s new collaboration with Kiki di Montparnasse and was astonished to read this condemnation of Roitfeld the other day:

One wonders how Julia Roitfeld truly came to design for Kiki de Montparnasse, outside the PR fluff that’s sputtered out. More importantly: what qualified her to do so? The only answer I can come up with is that she’s the celebrity daughter of her mother; and we live in the time when brands lust for the spotlight. But as the old saying of like mother like daughter goes, this little rabbit is not befitting to her mommy. Julia like her quote un quote artist brother lack an artistic taste, vision, and talent. They might have aspirations, but true talent is amiss in them. Example in point is Julia’s approval, earlier this year, to release the film her boyfriend shot, The Crush. A film that should have never seen the light of day, and an act on her part that speaks of her lack of understanding to the arts. The bigger shame is designers like Kiki de Montparnasse who easily put aside their core values. I’m not completely against celebrity designers, some prove them self’s to have a point of view and talent, but in the general scheme of things the majority do not. What is further annoying is the type of questions journalists ask these wanabee’s, in interviews; hoovering on the shallow, instead of digging deep to prove talent and substance.

“WTF!”, I said to myself. I know this guy’s rank is increasing by the day (lower is better) and the last 90 reflect a much worse trend for the total year — but this critique hurts even me! What is his problem! Better question: what are his own credentials to accuse others of having no talent?”

As the former Fashion Director, Director of Product Development, and MMU bottom-line, merchant queen of Victoria’s Secret, I know that my own credentials pale by comparison to this guy’s — and I probably have no artistic talent either when compared to him of the very, very, very primitive paintings — but I think the collaboration between Julia Restoin-Roitfeld and Kiki di Montparnasse is well done.

I fail to see how Kiki de Montparnasse has put aside the brand’s design integrity, because this woman writer thinks the collection is totally Kiki and oh so French. It is perfect!

Question: has said masculine writer ever removed a pair of Kiki de Montparness fancy panties in his life? I doubt it but will not pursue this line of inquiry any further.

Madame Restoin Roitfeld needs no support from me. But just for the record:

Born and raised in Paris, France, Julia Restoin Roitfeld developed an appreciation for the arts at an early age. Her surrounding environment consisted of people involved in every aspect of the creative world, exposing her to fashion, art, photography and advertising. Realizing her desire was to build a foundation in this realm, Julia enrolled in the Parsons Paris School of Art and Design for a BBA in the design and management program, which entailed both business oriented and artistic classes. She eventually transferred to complete her degree at Parsons in New York City.

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