Tom Ford Sees the Sexy Solutions in Modern Relationships

A few years ago, Tom Ford’s advertising was the most provocative on the planet.  Underscoring the giant steps fashion media has taken to incorporate nudity into its editorial, the new Tom Ford eyewear campaign featuring Carolyn Murphy is witty but tame like a Playboy bunny — except for its androgyny and witty, skewed bisexuality. No make that  … forget it …  whatever your sexual preference is today is fine. Tomorrow you can be somebody else.

Ford could be on to something. Once fashion incorporates pussy shots — not closeups yet — by top models into the new LOVE, edition #3, where else is there to go?  Fetish? Macro pussy shots?

I’ve consulted on the coming intersection between soft porn and fashion for almost 10 years, having no doubt that media would deliver LOVE #3 and British Vogue with naked women on their covers. The question is ‘what’s next’?.

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