Jesus Luz | Fine Specimen of a 'Real Man'

Madonna and Jesus Luz had a Valentine’s Day dinner in Pranema near the Maggie HotelI’m not certain what it says for me that with such a tight focus on Smarty Pants philanthropy — trying to understand a few core players, their visions and best practices — I manage to hit on two couples who have managed to dominate the ‘breakup’ fixations of global gossip columns.

Madonna in 2009, via WWDThere’s something about the worldly, indy women we choose: Madonna and Angelina Jolie. Two topics that we don’t track: their relationships.

When they say ‘c’est tout’, we’ll print it.

Personally, I think these websites are looking for one thing: eyehalls, however they can get them.

Talking clothes today, the headlines are focused on whether or not Madonna will launch an exclusive clothing line with Macy’s. With lots of no comments, WWD reports that ‘Material Girl’ could be an apparel brand and ‘Truth or Dare’ fabulous for lingerie. We concur, espeically on the lingerie.

Truthfully, it’s not Madonna’s clothes that caught our eye just now. It’s Mr. Luz, who just showed up in a search for more info about Mariano Vivanco, and his very erotic fashion editorial for Wonderland magazine.

While all the haters rip into Madonna and Luz, wondering what they could possibly share ‘for real’, we just posted Joan Collins and husband Percy Gibson with a 30-year-age difference.

We vote for letting adults choose their own bedfellows and life partners.

Frankly, we like Jesus Luz, and because we’re talking Madonna and clothes, it seems appropriate to share these gorgeous photos of him, shot by Mariano Vivanco for a summer issue of Italian GQ.

Very Italian, and very nice. What can I say. Call me square, I adore a man in a well-tailored suit. Anne

Jesus Luz by Mariano Vivanco for It GQJesus Luz by Mariano Vivanco for It GQ 2009Jesus Luz by Mariano Vivanco for It GQ 2009Jesus Luz by Mariano Vivanco for It GQ 2009