J'Adore: Smart Sensuality Raffaele Iannello Kitchen Sex Toys

Ladies, ladies, ladies. I am about to be such a bad girltoday… so that you can be a bad girl, too … in the kitchen, of course.

There are moments in life when one can be supremely, unforgettably naughty with no regrets, and this is one of those moments for me.

Coach Anne’s Kitchen Sexy Toy Strategy

What fun I’m having as your sexy Erotic Food coach!

Voila! Take control in the kitchen with these crossover sex toys! I am totally serious when I tell you that these fabulous sex toys could only be designed by an Italian mind, in this case Raffaele Iannello’s!

Raffaele Iannello kitchen kinkiness

Imagine the outrageous surprises you can spring on your guy, as you are posing as the happy soup maker, perhaps making chili on a cold winter night.

What culinary adventures you are cooking up in your devious little mind. These sexy toys take female multitasking to new heights. Talk about expanding your kitchen repertoire.

Smart Sensuality Football Revenge

Consider the possibility that we women have discovered a new way to wage revenge on Sunday night football. And if you’re one of the growing numbers of American women who like Sunday night football, well, I don’t know … perhaps these utensils are useful in some sort of rough sex way.

Personally, I don’t know about aggressive kinds of games. I’m told they can be highly pleasurable . .. right up there with spanking. Can anyone help us out here?

Goodbye Mayberry

Back to your big baby. Enticed by you and your yellow silicone scrub brush, he thinks that you’re just tidying up the kitchen, a modern-day Donna Reed. After all, you are a compulsive neatnik!

Thoughts of sitting before the big screen, enjoying a nice, relaxing, couch potato evening have seduced him completely. His hand caresses the remote, ready to pounce on his beloved, favorite tool.

YOU … my enterprising, scheming little devil …you have an entirely different plan in hand and mind.

His only clue … yes, indeed, the only visible clue that you have very naughty things in mind post-chili-eating, is that you don’t remove your rubber gloves during dinner.

Your guy is totally mystified and just a little bit unsettled over this manifestation of unpredictable, womanly behavior.

You simply smile, breaking a few extra Saltines into your soup.

Listen to me … and your guy won’t know what hit him. And YOU, my darling woman, will feel triumphant!

I so LOVE being a Erotic Food coach! It gives me … well, a true sense of life purpose. I kid you not!  Anne

via Shiny Shiny; Rafz Design Studio

See also, Anne’s website: SexyFutures.com