Estrogen in Women Can Have Testosterone Effects

Scientists reported last week that estrogen fuels feelings of power and competition in women in much the same way testosterone does in men.

Estrogen levels shot up in power-motivated women when they won and plummeted when they lost, while the opposite was true in women who appeared not to be interested in power, the researchers found.

“The biology of dominance in women has been vastly under-researched. On top of that, it sets up very nice parallels with men and testosterone,” said Steven Stanton of the University of Michigan, who conducted the study.

I’m pleased to see this more discriminating look at female biology, rather than the comprehensive, global view of what it is to be female, vs male.

The researchers linked higher levels of estrogen to personality type and not just power motivation. I believe there’s a correlation between personality type and sexual behavior, sexual perspective, even one’s own sexual identity in general terms, not straight, gay or bi.