Anne | An American Woman Madly in Love with Paris

We’re in a hugely Parisian, deeply sensual mood today. Blame it on my NYTimes comment on aging in France. The sensations are flooding over me today — memories, beliefs and convictions about the city that helped me to age brilliantly and with confidence.

When I start reflecting on the past and whip it this morning into the future, who knows where we may go?

Actually, we’re headed for Cannes — metaphorically-speaking  — as we being our journey for real to Positano and the land of “la dolce vita”.  

I had a last-minute breakdown, worrying about a backlash to my effort to seduce Americans into changing our sensual appetites into a more life-affirming one. As always, we’ve come up with a superb solution to a pothole in the road: Brain will not handle all the tough love dialogue. I only want people to love me.  (See Obesity Alert | French Women Have More Self-Respect).

Today we are on the road to checking into the Cannes Carlton Intercontinental. Read our Sensual and Superyoung journey so far. 

For the Love of Tango

Back to Paris from Cannes. On Facebook, we are tango lovers and I can’t ever let go of “Last Tango in Paris”, without one more listen to sounds that say: “Keep going, Anne. It will happen.”

Inspired and full of conviction, I drive too fast on the open road, convinced now that I know where I’m going. That is progress. 

Sepia - Last Tango in Paris

There’s absolutely NOTHING that Parisians can do to make me fall out of love with their city.

It’s true that Parisians are obnoxious about refusing to understand my broken French. Even a French dog shook his head listening to me, before sitting down as I commanded.

I forgive them, because after all my time in France and three years of study, my French should be first rate.

Gotan Project - La Revancha Del Tango Live

Gotan Project is a major source of music for my presentations.

Two years ago in the Louvre, blue stobe lights were flashing over classical Roman and Greek “ruins”, sort of a abandoned sculpture “graveyard” visible only by looking into the blue darkness. A Jazz combo was playing in the ruins. Tres chic and the French know how to pull off these effects in ways that Americans only dream about. 

We don’t light up ruins. We plough them over with asphalt and a big box store.

Gotan Project - La Revancha Del Tango Live

Buddha Bar in Paris

If you like tango, please read my little Sensual and Superyoung dissertation Tango and New American Eroticism.

Six intimate tango videos should destress you and put a little buzz in your evening.  I’ve been saying I will go back to my salsa lessons, but find myself totally seduced by tango instead.

Tango, Paris, Rio, Bangkok … Perhaps the whole world in my blood. Take me to a city where women truly love themselves, and give me a room key. 

This song Desire is another of my favorites, when in this romantic, Parisian mood. There are moments when it doesn’t sound very feminist, but my credentials are well established.

Like Helen Mirren, I’m a lipstick feminist and loving is in my blood.


Budda Bar’s “Desire” is one of my most favorite musical escapes.

America’s Wild West will never hold a firecracker to Paris in my playbook. But the huge change of Thanksgiving pace I experienced in Tucson last year, confirmed to me that ancient sensual goddesses are speaking to Americans from our own Native American lands.

Now if only we would listen to our Native American fore-bearers or learn tantra. Rather than eating a jumbo burger with cheese and bacon in Tombstone, we could find our own Parisian pleasures right her in the good ‘ol USA. Anne

via Buddha Bar Desire video

More Paris:

French Pleasures: A Bit of Anne in Paris

Sensual and Superyoung

In our new lineup you will find me — Anne —  in third person:

Sensual Health | scientific articles about sexuality, sensual aging, and even Martha Stewart’s food fantasies 

Sensual Vitality Blog | quickies that track Anne’s view of new research and cultural news about sensuality

Sensual and Superyoung | the book, a work in process

Love Food | sometimes called aphrodisiacs, we’re building a scientific list of the key sensual wellness benefits of eating nature’s bounty and avoiding fast food on every street corner

Love Food Recipes | Only healthy, sensually-nourishing, libido-enhancing recipes from the world’s best chefs and kitchen-bloggers. 

Bad News Food |  confronting food facts is another key part of our food science approach to vitality, sensual wellness and being Superyoung.  No political correctness allowed. This is science.

Anne’s Original Journal | She’s back!!! Now scattered throughout the pages of Anne of Carversville, we’ve pulled Anne’s soul and psyche back together, when the topic is her own road to self-actualization.

Readers have asked for Anne to be put back together in one piece. We responded with promises that she will fill in more life blanks going forward.