3 Women Caned in Malaysia As LPGA Schedules Ladies Golf Tournament

Beyond the Veil| Three Muslim women became the first in Malaysia to be caned for having illicit sex. Their sentences were carried out on Feb 9 at 10am at the Kajang Prison. Home MInister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein announced the punishments, saying two of the women were given six strokes of the rotan while the third received four.

While the international press is focused on caning the women, all three are also serving jail terms for having premarital sex. One of the women was released on Feb 14, after spending a month in prison and another is expected to be released any day. The third woman will not be released until June.

It’s not clear whether their companions were also punished. 13 officials were present. The subject of caning women in Malaysia has been a hot topic since the delay in caning Kartika Sari Dewi Shikarno for consuming alcohol in public.

That case has dragged on since July 2009, with Kartika insisting that she be caned. Officials say that the caning will now probably proceed, after the public relations challenges of saying no woman had been caned in Malaysia.The ‘hype’ of caning women is now over, said officials.

Kartika is scheduled meet with the Tengku Mahkota of Pahang, Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, which will clear the way for her caning. via The Malaysia Star Three women caned under syariah law

Meanwhile, LPGA star Paula Creamer is thrilled that the Ladies Pro Golf Tour will be going into Malaysia. I’ve Tweeted, requesting the LPGA women not support caning women for premarital sex or drinking alcohol in Malaysia by holding a tournament in the country.

If Malaysia was caning African Americans of either gender, the tournament would be off. 

Please note that we’re thrilled that the LPGA was in Dubai in December.

It’s not our right to tell Malaysia how to run its country, but Western women playing golf in a country that canes women for drinking beer is not good for the brand image of women’s professional golf.

This is a new development for Malaysia, not an argument for exposing the country to more moderate images of women. Malaysia has a progressive tradition of women’s rights and entrepreneurial women. Caning women represents a retreat in appeasing Fundamentalist forces. Western organizations like the LPGA must define their stance around playing in countries that are retreating on women’s rights.

The article below includes important essays written by Muslim women in Malaysia about the dramatic changes occuring in the country.

I personally ask the LPGA Tour to reconsider their decision to play golf in Malaysia, as these new laws go into effect.

We cannot have Muslim women risking their lives, standing up to increasingly repressive sharia laws as Lubna did in Sudan, and then Western women sail in to play golf after the canings. The image does not compute, even though I understand the benefits of international cooperation among women on the golf course. Anne  The Insider LPGA Tour golfers will play in Malaysia

More reading

Golf Becomes An International Women’s Game

Malaysia Honors Women Entrepreneurs

For Muslim Women Does ‘Complacency Breed Complicity’, Following the Actions of Lubna Hussein?