MSNBC Joe Scarborough & Mika Brzezinski Join Maureen Dowd & New York Times In Hillary Takedown

From the onset of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, her supporters knew the candidate would have rough sledding with the major media. For whatever the reasons — legitimate and not so legitimate, Hillary has always been under extra scrutiny by the media — and in every aspect of her very existence.

What has shocked many of her supporters is the overtly aggressive stance of the New York Times, a highly-respected publication, followed by Morning Joe cohosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski supported by most of the Morning Joe crew over at MSNBC.

I originally began watching Morning Joe expecting civilized, partisan-based dialogue and information. What we’ve witnessed at MSNBC’s Morning Joe Hillary Clinton coverage is a memorable, daily assault on the presidential candidate that has hit new media lows for thinking people.  Critiquing Hillary for wearing a peach/orange pant suit as an outfit worthy of an imprisoned felon is an example of the trash talk offerred to viewers of the show.

Likewise, a headline at the New York Times used the word ‘criminal investigation’ to heighten the incessant chatter in the punditocracy to new levels of hype. We watched media hucksters like Joe and Mika make utter fools of themselves, as the entire MSNBC family practically fell over each other jumping with glee and salivating at the mouth with prospects of bringing Hillary Clinton down to earth. Worse yet, it took the Times well over 12 hours after being notified that their story was false — there was no criminal investigation — to change the headline.

As if this ship of fools isn’t affront enough to thinking people, Times pundit Maureen Dowd weighed in regularly with her unique brand of vitriol against the Clintons. I called her ‘pathological’ in her hatred of the Clintons in a comment to her, and #HillaryMen Peter Daou and Tom Watson use the same word in describing the columnist.

Dowd’s words are chosen meticulously: they fit perfectly into the narratives and frames that have been developed for over two decades to smear Hillary: “Acting all innocent, disingenuous, egregious transgressions, militant fans, craving a championship, surreptitious, wanting to win at all costs, calculating, history of subterfuge, crafty, sketchy value system, seamy, Faustian bargain, sheen of inevitability, robotic, queenly attitude, suspicious mind-set, unsavory.”

An Investigation Incomplete

The complete investigation of the Hillary Clinton emails remains unfinished business. What isn’t unfinished in the minds of many thinking Americans like myself is a lack of respect for the New York Times and its reporting on Hillary Clinton, accompanied by a deeply personal loathing for MSNBC and Morning Joe in particular in its dizzying climb to out fox FOX in hanging Hillary Clinton out to dry and AFTER certain claims have been put to rest.

As for Mika Brzezinski, former Secy of State Madeline Albright said it best:

There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.

I certainly didn’t expect Bernie Sanders supporter Brzezinski to do Hillary Clinton any favors on Morning Joe. But I did expect a degree of neutrality and respect for evidence as it presented itself in the email story. Mika would have none of that neutrality stuff. And while she didn’t exhibit the pathological obsession for hating Hillary owned by her media colleague Maureen Dowd, she constantly sighed with a heaving chest over the utter obviousness of Hillary Clinton’s guilt in each and every absurd claim made about the presidential candidate. Call me empty of any respect for Mika Brzezinski. ~ Anne

Hillary & Progressives

Can Hillary Clinton Win Over the Left? The Nation

Is Hillary Clinton trapped in her own cage of being a progressive but also a politico trying to move forward in a moderate world? Does her track record of trying to navigate mainstream America render her in authentic to Democratic progressives?

“In a major address on the economy in July, writes The Nation, Clinton emphasized the importance of women’s equality in a way that no mainstream candidate has done before, describing equal pay, accessible childcare, and fair scheduling as key to economic growth. She’s making paid leave a signature issue. “I am well aware that for far too long, these challenges have been dismissed by some as ‘women’s issues,’” she said. “Well, those days are over.”’

Hillary & Her Panthers

What the f*ck you sayin’ that Hillary interned for the Black Panthers!!!  Anne’s FB

What they don’t tell you about Hillary Clinton! Jesus Goddess, she worked for that abominable Rose law firm that had Walmart as a client. She is BRANDED totally contaminated goods by the Bernie folks. Of course, they don’t tell you that Hillary Clinton interned during law school for Treuhaft, Walker & Burnstein, a radical law firm whose clients included the Black Panthers. I repeat the Black Panthers.

Now that took guts, ladies and gentlemen, if you were trying to get yourself all in tight with Wall Street. (I know, the cries are mounting. She sold out!!! She succumbed and sold her soul.) I hear ya, but right now I would just like to point out the Ivy League reality that where you intern can be the kiss of death for an ambitious, power-hungry, conniving bitch lawyer named Hillary Clinton. If you had an IQ over 50, you wouldn’t choose Treuhaft, Walker & Burnstein. Read Anne on FB

Hillary Headlines Sept. 10

Donors urge Hillary Clinton to Stop Ignoring Sanders Politico

Hillary Clinton’s Male Voter ProblemWaPo

Our Next President Coming Ready or Not. Hillary Clinton Blue Nation Review

Hillary Clinton to be joined by Bill on campaign trail next week, reports say The Guardian

Two DNC Officials Call for Adding More Debates NY Times

Hillary Apologizes for Private Email, Chokes Up During ABD News Interview Mediaite

Why Millenials Need Hillary Buzzfeed

Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments Speak for Themselves US News

Hillary Clinton’s Proposals to Restore Integrity to American Elections

Clinton lands third union endorsement The Hill

National: Clinton Lead Shrinks Monmouth Poll