RedTracker: Ann Curry to CNN? | Foreign Adoptions Plummet | Helicopter Parenting Worsens | Bye Bye Mama Grizzlie

1. Ann Curry CNN? Atlantic Wire writes that former NBC chief Jeff Zucker now installed at CNN wants to bring Ann Curry in to replace Anderson Cooper at 8pm. Count us in. Curry wants to do more hard news and we want to watch her. And Ann, don’t start every broadcast with “Breaking News to CNN”. It’s so bloody redundant. 


2. NAACP Says Biggie-Size It. In what could be the rare case of Rush Limbaugh and the NAACP being on the same side of the table, the New York City branch of the NAACP says that New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s ban on the sale of sugar-sweetened soft drinks larger than 16 ounces discriminates against small businesses. With a new check for $75,000 in its back pocket, the NAACP insists there is no conflict of interest in their siding with the manufacturer of big soda. Call us stupified. via LATimes

3. Mama Grizzlie Signs Off. It’s bye-bye Sarah Palin, as Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes kisses off the former Alaska Governor and John McCain 2008 vice-presidential running mate. Word is that Palin continued to go rogue on the network, driving guys like Karl Rove crazy. 

Christian Science Monitor quotes Howard Kurtz as saying that the atmosphere at Fox seeks to shift it away as head media bus for the tea party express. 

4. Foreign Adoptions Lowest Since 1994. As the numbers of orphans and needy children worldwide hits a new high, Americans are adopting fewer children than ever from overseas. The State Department says foreign adoptions last year were 8,668 and down from the all-time high of 22,804 in 2004.  via Cristian Science Monitor

5. Helicopter Parenting Worsens. Is it possible the American parents could become any more involved in hands on monitoring of children’s behavior? “Studies are now documenting that such intensive parenting makes kids feel ineffective but overly entitled, robs them of coping skills, and inclines them to narcissism as well as depression and anxiety, to say nothing of feelings of stress,” writes Psychology Today. 

Experts find kids tobe risk-averse, terrified of failure and incapable of making decisions.