OMG! Jon Stewart Calls Va Ultrasound Bill TSA-Like Vagina Patdown | Do Girl Scouts Create Lesbian Communists?

va ShutterstockThe evangelical girls are happy. If you thought America’s political discourse couldn’t get much worse after Rick Santorum’s money man Foster Freiss told American women to put an aspirin between our legs as an affordable form of birth control last week, think again.

State Del. C. Todd Gilbert (R-Woodstock) via APAs the Virginia legislature debated (a term we use loosely) the new ultrasound bill requiring women to have a trans-vaginal rather than external ultrasound before an abortion, State Del. C. Todd Gilbert (R-Woodstock) called abortion a ‘lifestyle convenience’. Huff Po writes:

Within minutes of Gilbert’s statement, two Democratic lawmakers — Del. Mark Keam (D-Fairfax County) and Del. David Englin (D-Alexandria) — both sent out the remarks on Twitter. Englin, who commented “Wow” in his Tweet about Gilbert’s floor statement, said that Gilbert’s exact words were “a matter of lifestyle convenience.”

Englin explained further Gilbert’s comments saying that their defense that the intra-vaginal probe is not only the most invasive procedure that is now part of the Republican War on Women in Virginia but not requiring a woman’s consent to perform it reflects a commonly stated Republican position that women had already made the decision to be “vaginally penetrated when they got pregnant.”

Jon Stewart Calls Virginia Ultrasound Bill a TSA-Like Vagina Patdown

After a major silent protest against the legislation in Richmond, Va on Monday, leaders seemed to take a pause. Jon Stewart pointed out that Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is vehemently opposed to TSA patdowns. Perhaps if the Governor could view the ultrasound abortion law as a TSA vagina pat-down, he would understand why people are so upset in Virginia and nationwide. Defending the Republicans, Stewart said that the action against women wasn’t ‘rape’ as it’s now called by Democrats in the state. Consider it a ‘regional quirk’, said the comedian.

“Whatever happened to Republicans being the party of small government?” Stewart asked, concluding with Reagan’s famous joke that the scariest words in the English language were “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” via Mediaite

Rick Santorum Against Prenatal Testing

The Republican candidate’s list of new rules for American women is awesome. Going into the CNN debate tonight in Arizona, the candidate surely won’t be complaining about not having enough questions.

Santorum has put all the social issues on the table front and center.

Not only does Santorum want to eliminate federal aid to education, but state aid as well. Parents should be the educators of their children, preferably in home schooling where they can control the curriculum says Santorum.

Amniocentesis is on the table and Santorum wants it stopped as part of prenatal care, stating that it encourages abortions. With Santorum leading in the Republican presidential polls, largely because of his stance on social issues — which have galvanized the strictest social conservatives in a rally around him — these questions will be raised at tonight’s debate. Contraception is also on the table, with Santorum saying it’s dangerous to women’s health.

Indiana Lawmaker Smears Girl Scouts

Indiana lawmaker Republican Rep. Bob Morris sent a letter to members of the Republican Caucus saying that the Girl Scouts of America ‘sexualizes’ young girls, promotes homosexuality and it a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood. Morris offers not a shred of evidence to support his claims, saying that it came from well-informed constituents and a brief Internet search.

Seeking to discredit the organization, Morris wrote:

“As members of the Indiana House of Representatives, we must be wise before we use the credibility and respect of the ‘Peoples’ House’ to extend legitimacy to a radicalized organization,” he said, warning them not “to endorse a group that has been subverted in the name of liberal progressive politics and the destruction of traditional American family values.”

The Girl Scouts of America are celebrating their 100 year anniversary and Morris wants to oppose any celebration of the organization in Indiana. After slamming the Girl Scouts, Morris says that 99.9% of troops are run by good leaders. His concern is the Girl Scouts/Planned Parenthood conspiracy at a national level.

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