Rick Perry's Texas A&M Fs in Science & Economics | Poor, Poor Evangelicals

Truth and Lies

Rick Perry

Rick Perry calls global warming un unproven, costly theory LA Times

Yesterday in New Hampshire, Rick Perry told his audience ‘Yes, our climate’s changed — they’ve been changing ever since the Earth was formed.’ Apparently, Rick Perry cited not one academic source in his charges:

“I don’t think, from my perspective, that I want America to be engaged in spending that much money on what is still a scientific theory that hasn’t been proven, and from my perspective is more and more being put into question.”

One of his questioners Jim Rubens, a Republican from the village of Etna who works as a consultant for the Union of Concerned Scientists, prefaced his question reading a passage from Perry’s book ‘Fed Up!’ in which he asserts that global warming is ‘a contrived phony mess that is falling apart under its own weight.’

Rubens then asked Perry that he rejected both “observed scientific data” and the National Academy of Sciences on the issue, “doesn’t that call into question the entire science discovery process that is the basis for America’s status as an advanced technological society?”

‘You may have a point there’, was Perry’s reply.

Rubens said later in an interview that Perry was promulgating inaccurate information that could damage the reputation of the National Academy of Sciences. “I hope he would review the temperature data, and say, ‘I was wrong; it is getting warmer.’ “

While the majority of Republican presidential election do not believe in global warming — or science in most cases — Rick Perry’s views put him at odds with Mitt Romney. GOP candidate former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Hr. has come under fire for his support of climate change initiatives.

Protesters quiz Perry sharply in NH The Boston Globe

Having read through about 10 recaps of yesterday’s Rick Perry campaign through New Hampshire, it does seen that hecklers outnumbered supporters — or even folks who turned out to meet the candidate.

“How old do you think the Earth is?” asked a little boy innocently as his mother hovered behind him outside the cafe. He asked Perry what he thought about the theory of evolution.

“It’s a theory that’s out there, and it’s got some gaps in it,” Perry said.

“Ask him why he doesn’t believe in science,” the mother prompted.

Rick Perry’s Grade D in Principles of Economics, Grade F in Organic Chemistry II

HuffPo Publishes Perry’s College Transcript The Texas Tribune

We are speechless that a person with this academic record is running to be president of the United States God give us strength to digest Rick Perry’s college transcript! It is horrific.

Perry originally attended Texas A&M University to pursue a pre-veterinary major but switched to animal sciences, reportedly because of his low GPA. In his freshman and sophomore year, Perry struggled with core science classes, earning D’s in several organic chemistry classes and C’s in general chemistry and physics.

But after Perry switched his major at the beginning of his fall semester in 1970, his grades didn’t improve. Perry got a C in Reproduction in Farm Animals, a C in genetics, a D in Feeds & Feeding, a C in Sheep & Angora Goat Production and two C’s in animal breeding classes.

Many of Perry’s other classes involved military education. Perry has previously credited his time in the A&M Corps of Cadets with giving him the necessary discipline to complete school.

Perry got two C’s in Development of Air Power and took four levels of World Military Systems, earning two C’s, a B and an A. The A was one of only two Perry earned at college — the other was for a class called Improv. of Learning.

The future governor only took one political science class while he was in school — American National Government, for which he earned a B. Other classes outside of Perry’s major included Shakespeare and Writing for Professional Men, which earned him two D’s.

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CASH Introduces New Question into Rick Perry Debate

‘Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?’ Salon

A Republican supporter of Ron Paul in Austin, Tex. has taken out a full-page ad in a local alt newspaper seeking any ‘stripper … escort … or your hottie’ who has slept with or fooled around sexually Rick Perry as part of his own campaign against the presidential candidate.

Robert Morrow, founder of CASH (Committee Against Sexual Hypocrisy), describes himself as a “self-employed investor and political activist” as well as a three-time delegate to the Texas state GOP convention.

We affirm, as did Salon, that there is absolutely no evidence that Perry has had extramarital affairs. Morrow says that strippers in Austin have stories about Perry, but none have been willing to come forward.

Poor, Poor Evangelicals

Michele Bachmann for President Backlash: Stop Attacking Evangelicals! The Daily Beast

Anne has entered the controversy around Michele Bachmann’s comments about submitting to her husband, responding to a Daily Beast article written by FOX NEWS personality Kirsten Powers, who attempts to quote Biblical scriptures without knowing what she’s talking about.

The real issue on this story is the fact that well over 1000 comments have appeared, which may not be a record for TDB, but it’s a huge response. Perhaps for the first time online, moderates are pushing back vigorously against the radical evangelicals desire to turn America into a theocracy.

A Christian Plot for Domination The Daily Beast