US One of Three Countries Without Paid Maternity Leave

Phyllis Schlafly has a new book coming out ‘The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know - And Men Can’t Say’. As always Schlafly will blame feminism for everything that is wrong with America. She launched her red-aimed rocket yesterday in a Beverly Willet interview published on HuffPo called ‘Feminists Love Divorce!’

We have never ever underestimated Phyllis Schlafly, who will issue a call for American women to kick feminists in the butt once and for all. Schlafly’s coauthor Suzanne Venker lump all feminists into one garbage can writing that we love divorce and complain all the time about women’s rights.

I have a long record of telling American women that we should suck it in and be true grit women, but my kind of feminism doesn’t fit in Schlafly’s playbook. There is only one kind of feminist and she is pure evil.

Suzanne: ‘Flipside’ takes a positive view of women and their role in society as wives, mothers, career women and volunteers in the community. It’s the antithesis of the average feminist book in which the author kvetches about how bad American women have it. How is that helpful?

Phyllis: It is self evident that American women are the most fortunate women who ever lived and enjoy more freedoms and opportunities than are available in any other country. Armed with the right attitude, they have every opportunity for happiness and achievement. Women should stop feeling they are victims of the patriarchy, reject feminist myths, and follow the roadmap to success and happiness spelled out in ‘Flipside.’

We will debate Schlafly’s assertions with facts and not emotion. When Schlafly writes that it is ‘self evident’ that American have more rights than any women in the world, we prefer to check the fact book.

In the coming weeks we will compare American women to other women in the world. With all their expressed concern for family and children, Conservatives would never support a parental leave policy for American women.

United States, Swaziland and Papua New Guinea Have No Paid Maternity Leave

Human Rights Watch issued a report yesterday ‘Failing Its Families: Lack of Paid Leave and Work-Family Supports in the US’.

Of the 190 countries studied in the report, 178 guaranteed paid leave for new mothers, while nine were unclear about their maternity policies. Just three nations offer no legal guarantee of paid maternity leave — Papua New Guinea, Swaziland and the U.S. are the only countries who have no legal guarantee of paid maternity leave.

Of the 178 nations that guarantee paid leave for new mothers, more than 50 extend paid leave to new fathers. More than 100 offer 14 or more weeks of paid leave for new mothers, including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.   The 34 members of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) provide on average 18 weeks of paid maternity leave, with an average of 13 weeks at full pay, Human Rights Watch said.

Rather than allowing Schlafly to blame feminists for every ill in America, we will develop report after report showing how other countries have moved to support women as mothers and fathers, too.

Schlafly can talk a good game, and we repeat that we hold her in high esteem for her talents and driving convictions about how American women should quit griping and organize their lives properly.

To put an image of a pregnant woman on the book cover and blame feminists, when we are the women trying to get her parental leave like all the other women in the world is blatantly manipulative of the facts and our intentions.

American feminists — or the Democratic liberal women as the Conservative duo calls us — are trying to help mothers not with words but with deeds, with action. What do we meet in Washington? The patriarchal Conservative wall that refuses to budge on behalf of American women.

Is the entire world gone socialist then? America is the only democracy left? Based on Phyllis Schlafly’s arguments, it would seem so. Anne