Eve Ensler On Global Sexual Assaults | Kristoff in Brothel Raid

From Eve Sussman’s film ‘The Rape of the Sabine Women’Eve Ensler writes ‘Over It’, with a long list of justified furor over rape and other sexual assaults against women worldwide — with no interest in solving these problems by the Boys Club. In fact, the majority of men — and many women, too — don’t see a problem with many of Eve Ensler’s ‘Over It’ items including:

I am over starving Somalian women being raped at the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, and I am over women getting raped at Occupy Wall Street and being quiet about it because they were protecting a movement which is fighting to end the pillaging and raping of the economy and the earth, as if the rape of their bodies was something separate.

I am over women still being silent about rape, because they are made to believe it’s their fault or they did something to make it happen.

I am over violence against women not being a #1 international priority when one out of three women will be raped or beaten in her lifetime — the destruction and muting and undermining of women is the destruction of life itself.

I am over rape culture, rape mentality, rape pages on Facebook.

I am over the thousands of people who signed those pages with their real names without shame.

I am over people demanding their right to rape pages, and calling it freedom of speech or justifying it as a joke.

Pro Rape Facebook Pages Up for 2 Months; Breast Cancer Art Photos Down in 24 Hours

As Michael D Colanero posted on my FB wall, “It took facebook 186 THOUSAND SIGNATURES and TWO MONTHS to remove PRO-RAPE group pages - yet survivor images in the Breast Cancer Awareness Body Painting Project (BCABPP) were deleted less then 24 hours after being posted… SERIOUSLY WTF!!!!”

Friedrich Christoph Steinhammer’s ‘The Rape of the Sabine Women’

Kristoff in Brothel Raid in Cambodia

Nicholas Kristoff is in Anlong Veng, Cambodia today, writing Fighting Back, One Brothel Raid at a Time, focused on a true hero Somaly Mam. Originally sold as a child to a Cambodian brothel, Somaly eventually escaped and reinvented herself as an anti-trafficking activist. Mostly American supporters fund her Somaly Mam Foundation.

A U.N. agency estimates that more than 12 million people are engaged in forced labor, including sexual servitude. Another U.N. report has estimated that in Asia alone, “one million children are involved in the sex trade under conditions that are indistinguishable from slavery.”

During a raid on a brothel in Anlong Veng, Cambodia, a Vietnamese social worker reassures several girls who have just been rescued. The girl in the center was a Vietnamese seventh grader who had been trafficked into Cambodia a few months earlier. The social worker herself was rescued from a brothel years ago. Image by Nicolas KristoffIn the car with Somaly, Kristof reports being damn nervous and for good reason. Not only have brothel-owners sent death threats, held a gun to her head and shot up her car.  The sex traffickers kidnapped her 14-year-old daughter and gang-raped her with a video camera rolling. Her daughter was recovered in a brothel, but both women remain close and determined to wage this war. Join Somaly and Kristoff in their brothel raid.