For Better CAT Orgasms, Put Her In Charge Once Clitoral Contact Is Made

Psychology Today writer Michael Castleman reintroduces the CAT, or “coital alignment technique” sexual position, one that has never left my repertoire of sexual pleasures. My only concern about explaining the CAT to couples is that it still seems that the man does most of the work.

I’ve never decried the missionary position as strictly boring. It’s true, though, that a lot of research suggests that no matter the size of a man’s penis or the duration and vigor of intercourse, only about one in four women climax with man-on-top sex.

Simply stated, the missionary position doesn’t stimulate the woman’s clitoris.

The CAT is deceptively simple: Instead of the man lying on top of the woman chest-to-chest with his penis moving more or less horizontally, the man shifts himself forward so that his chest is closer to one of her shoulders. As a result, his penis moves more up and down. In other words, the man rides higher on the woman’s pelvis, and the bony base of his penis makes more contact with the woman’s clitoris. This increases direct clitoral stimulation and may provide enough to allow her to orgasm. via Psychology Today

I would like to reframe this explanation, based on my own experience. A woman is not a totally passsive creature during sexual intercourse. In what’s frankly a very intimate and loving orgasmic embrace, a woman can take charge of ‘their’ orgasm, once the bony base of his penis makes contact with her clitoris.

She is doing the massaging, the stimulating of her clitoris, inching her way up and down his penis in close contact. A smart man will let her ‘do it’ for both of them, because when she orgasms, he probably will, too. After all, she’s driving him half mad on her selfish little pleasure trip to the big-O.

With her hands and arms around his shoulders, she can direct his body placement towards one of her shoulders, as described above. Speaking from experience, when a woman knows she will orgasm in this sexual position, her attitude is vastly more enthusiastic about having sex. And her partner is up for the event also, knowing the risk of her reaching for a vibrator to get the job done is unlikely.

Simply stated, everybody is in a positive mood, less prone to anxiety and performance stress, and all systems are good to go. In my experience the clitoral orgasm triggers a vaginal orgasm, which triggers my partner’s orgasm, and it’s fireworks all around.

The research details of improved orgasms for women are most encouraging with CAT. Women reported a 56 percent increase in CAT orgasms, vs 27 percent with masturbation.

Sorry for speaking so explicitly, but I find that both the missionary position and vaginal orgasms are much maligned in today’s sexual literature.The touching and post-orgasmic bliss in the missionary position come naturally, compared to other intercourse options.

CAT can be the cure, but let’s position the woman as a copilot at least.

As for the really smart, self-confident but non-machismo man … once critical sexual contact is made, he’ll put her in the orgasmic driver’s seat. Anne