Redtracker: Smart Sensuality Colors Explode in Design and Fashion for Both Genders

OK, so this ‘72 Impala version of Mangenta might be a bit over the pink top, but Smart Sensuality women know that Mangenta is going places; the color and all the sexy smarts that it stands for are hot.

The Wall Street Journal reports today that founder and chief executive of Joie de Vivre hotels, Chip Conley invented mangenta when some of his investors balked at owning a hot pink hotel interior, located in New York’s financial district.

In Manhattan, the bastion of black, shoppers (where they exist) are in an upbeat, fuschia or magenta mood.

British designer Clive Christian’s alpha couture kitchen debuted in walnut and blues, but now pulsates with hot pink LED hues.

WSJ writer Christina Brinkley consulted an image consultant about the color psychology of the color. Fuchsia, she (Sarah Whittaker) says, “can be quite acidic, and so the wearer can appear arrogant or like they are flaunting themselves,” she said. Redder tones such as magenta “can be more respectful,” she added, noting that such colors work well on people with strong coloring, such as dark eyes and hair.

Most of us consider hot pink, fuschia and ma(n)genta as colors of passion but also of optimism. Before I flip Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni at you, I’ll share my own perspective on the meaning of these colors.

Looking East , pink is associated with the 4th Chakra, known as the Heart Chakra carrying the sensibilities of compassion and humanitarianism. Violet, a cousin of pink, is associated with wisdom, royalty, spirituality and passion.

Violet is also associated with the 7th Chakra, known as the Crown Chakra, uniting us in universality. I we consider color influences coming from other parts of the word, India comes to mind.

Not only is fuschia optimistic but it’s womanly and sensual. This is why I love the fact that sales of ma(n)genta men’s ties have doubled from 3% to 6% at Paul Fredrick.

Guys learn quickly about the influence of Smart Sensuality women.

Join us on FacebookAt the risk of sounding self promotional, I chose magenta and fuschia for our Sensuality News logo. Please check us out on Facebook and our upcoming website. Anne