Redtracker: Hillary Clinton Delivers Her Own Dose of Smart Sensuality Charm

Black is a Smart Sensuality color, one almost as seductive and captivating as red.

Let’s face reality, clothes don’t make the woman. Dying to make Hillary Clinton a bonafide Smart Sensuality woman, I smile over this photo, where our Secretary of State again shows a softer, less-controlled side of her personality.

According to Politico, Hillary more than rallied — in fact Politico uses the word ‘electrified’ — the crowds of young European government workers and activists Friday in an hour-long town-hall-style meeting in which she promised more cooperation with Europe and voiced regret at Bush administration positions on climate change and other issues.

Because Smart Sensuality women are empathetic — unlike Ann Coulter by way of contrast — they reach out to others and aren’t reluctant to apologize or admit errors, especially when a bit of humble, huckleberry pie is required to move dialogue forward.

It’s no secret that Europeans detest the arrogance of our prior administration and welcome President Obama’s more reasonsed, less idological, “America is the top dog; all bow down” approach of the Bush Administration.

In the midst of global chaos, we are the laughing stock of the world for our arrogance.

Unfortunately, we are also the big economic gun, in terms of consumption, environmental impact and other critical issues. As it shrinks in size, we continue to carry a very big stick.

Hillary Clinton is walking into a global love/hate relationship with America. We see her using Obama (and probably her own as well) charm, wit, smiles and a bit of repentence to repair connections around the world.

Love the photo, Hillary. Consistency means everything for Smart Sensuality women. That’s the “smart” part. I sense that Hillary is truly spreading her wings as a Smart Sensuality woman. One of these days, we will most certainly give her the big Smart Sensuality cigar. Anne

More Hillary:

J’Adore: Hillary Clinton in Smart Sensuality Red

No Cigar, but We Love Hillary Anyway