Extreme Love To Harun Mehmedinovic's Kickstarter Seance Book

I’ve supported Harun Mehmedinovic’s fantastic Kickstarter project for the last month, discovering it by accident in my Facebook news stream. His images are superb and the story behind them equally so. I was on a bit of a guilt trip with Harun, and I explain why in these earlier posts. I didn’t just discover the photographer a few weeks ago.


Kickstarter | Anne’s Jump-Shot for Harun Mehmedinovic’s Bloodhoney* Photography Book

Kickstarter: Anne Loves Harun Mehmedinovic’s Bloodhoney* Seance

Please join me in supporting the kind of visionary talent that AOC tries to embrace and cultivate. Kickstarter has given Harun no help in achieving his success. Rather his friends — and I include myself on that list — have rallied behind him. Steve Shaw of Treats! assures me that this weekend’s Treats! newsletter will cover Harun’s campaign. I’d like to see other bloggers rally behind this super talented guy Harun Mehmedinovic as an example of what artists can do together. ~ Anne