Kanye Gave 'No Touch' Orders on Skete | No Kanye at Coachella! Petition Passes 35,000

Hey, GAP. You can chill now! Kanye West Gave ‘No Touch’ Orders on Skete According to Wack 100

Here you go GAP Execs. Your investors are searching for info on Kanye’s state of mind, so you guys better be up on the latest Google News that Kanye wants Skete for himself.

Wack says that Kanye doesn’t want his peeps messing with Skete — “presumably because he wants to fight his own battle.” It does sound like Kanye has ordered nobody to take Skete out, mess him up, accuse Pete of shooting up one of the kids with drugs, carve up Kim Kardashian’s name with a knife on his chest . . . nothin’ . . . you know, the sorta thing really hip men do when they have scores to settle.

When asked by No Jumper host Adam22 what he’d do if he ran into the SNL comedian, Wack replied, “Skete can’t be around me. He gotta roll it up. Kanye gave specific instructions for nobody to touch Skete. He told us ‘do not touch Skete, don’t put our hands on Skete, don’t say nothing disrespectful to Skete.'”

Skete belongs to Kanye, GAP. If you can talk some sense into Ye, we might be able to save Pete.

Kanye intends to handle Skete personally, so tell your Board of Directors that everything’s cool. Hopefully nobody dies this week. I’m thinking you can start publishing your own tabloid at the end of the day: “Kanye Knows Best!”

It’s a big change from the good ‘ol days, GAP. No more chinos! You’re driving in the Bugatti lane, now. Buckle up buttercups!

No Kanye at Coachella! Petition Passes 35,000

Update: The petition has crossed 35,000 Wed. am 3/23. We’re still in second gear, but online media coverage is helping. We’re plodding along in a turtle and the hare story, but growing exponentially.

Why We Are Signing This Petition to Have Kanye Not Perform at Coachella

People who are signing this petition don’t trust Kanye West not to hurt somebody or start a riot at Coachella. What we have witnessed from him in the last 90 days is totally frightening. I am so concerned that for weeks I got up and the first thing I checked at 6am was whether Ye had harmed his now ex-wife.

Kanye has taken me back to all of my 2008-2014 work in Sudan, to stop the brutal flogging of women in the name of Allah.

For a few years, those videos of Sudanese women being brutally flogged were smuggled out to me, as the government enforcers always took them down on Facebook due to violent content standards. The women knew they could count on me to keep the videos alive, working with a male editor at Bloomberg who then got the New York Times to write the articles also.

Today, we’re all supposed to sit here like morons while Kanye gets up on stage at Coachella, with a high probability of going on some crazy rant against women, against his ex-wife Kim Kardashian, against Planned Parenthood and Pete Davidson.

We say NO! I’m not cancelling you, Ye. I am worried that you might start a total riot. Or harm yourself. And you’ve got an easy out, Kanye. Blame Billie Eilish who didn’t apologize to Travis Scott for caring about fans at her concert.

You told the world that if Billie didn’t apologize, you weren’t coming to Coachella. Billie was, of course, as gracious as she could be about your accusations. Keep your word, Kanye.

You cannot be trusted ever to keep your mouth shut, because nobody tells Kanye West what to do. Like Vladimir Putin — who you admire for his tough-guy stance, which you said on your own social media wall — you ain’t takin’ no s#it from anybody, and especially women.

You do it in the name of God, who gave you permission in the shower to do just about anything you damn well please. Just like the guy who promised to kill me over Planned Parenthood, making my life hell for a year. You would love him, Kanye. He’s your guy.

Guns and Violence Against Women

America’s Uniquely Lethal Intimate Partner Violence Problem Revised 1/26/22

Here’s some reading for you, Kanye. It’s hot off the press from the esteemed Everytown Research & Policy Group. American men shoot American women at rates unheard of in developed countries. And the problem is getting much worse as we speak. Women in certain communities suffer extra lethal shootings at the hands of men, and you will find that information in the research document. The LGBTQ community also suffers disproportionately.

The headline in article and screen shot of Kanye’s church service above is from Dazed Magazine, by Thom Waite.

THIS is why we don’t want you at Coachella, Kanye. I don’t live in the ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ world, Ye. I CARE DEEPLY about violence against women as an activist for decades — and you mock women like me, while you pull trophies out of the arms of women who won them.

Cuz Kanye West is God’s big man in America. But you scare the crap out of me — on behalf of other women. I know abuse when I see it spread all over Instagram. Your manipulations are very familiar to me, and I know the drill, Ye.

Today March 23, the Kanye Petition Gets Significantly More Media Attention

Petition to remove Kanye West as Coachella headliner receives nearly 30,000 signatures FOX News

The Grammys Canceling Kanye’s Performance Is Just Glorified Self-Preservation: The Recording Academy couldn’t afford to risk a Kanye performance. MIC

Petition Calling for Kanye’s Removal From Coachella Passes 30,000 Signatures Complex

Petition to Remove Kanye West from Coachella Lineup Gets 26,000 Signatures Billboard

Petition to remove Kanye West from Coachella lineup gains traction The Independent London

Kanye West vs the world: when abusive behaviour is called out The Age [Australia]

Kim Kardashian doesn’t deserve this CNN

Should GAP continue to bet on Ye? The Grio

Kanye West’s Stormy Relationship With the Grammys Erupts Again New York Times

Kanye Faces Grammy Ban, Coachella Petition Over Online Behavior Newsweek