Home Secretary Theresa May Set To Become Prime Minister of Britain

Hillary Clinton strongly backs public option, wins praise from Bernie Sanders VOX

Hillary Clinton released this morning revisions in her health plan, pledges that aren't new to her platform. Hillary ran on the public option for healthcare in 2008 and she has long supported community health care centers, as VOX reminds reads.

What is a key point is that with the nomination in hand, Hillary is emphasizing progressive ideas that are important to most Democrats, not only Sanders supporters.

Besides a pledge to include a public option health insurance plan for Americans in every state, and doubling funding for primary care services in community health center, Clinton pledged to let Americans as young as 55 to opt into Medicare.

" Indeed, in a press call after Clinton’s announcement, Sanders described her health care proposal as an "extremely important initiative" and "an important step forward" — and emphasized that it was made "after discussions with our campaign."'

Bernie Sanders Allies Lose a Fight Over Democrats' Stance on Trade New York Times

The Democratic Platform Committee refused to adopt the Sanders language promising to never bring TPP to a vote. As we've written all week, such language would be a rebuke to President Obama and a largely symbolic move since the platform committee doesn't dictate the Congressional legislative agenda.

The Sanders team sent boos into the room, arguing that if Clinton really opposed TPP, she should sign on to the Sanders amendment.

One Down, Will We Have Another? Ladies Set to Lead in Britain

Angela Eagle to announce Labour party leadership bid on Monday The Guardian

We already know that Britain will have a woman Prime Minister, now Home Secretary Theresa May set to replace David Cameron.

Now Jeremy Corbyn has a challenger for head of the Labour opposition party. He will face a challenge by fellow MP Angela Eagle after talks between the party’s parliamentary wing and its labour union backers collapsed today, Saturday.

Eagle, who served as shadow business secretary until resigning her position in late June in protest to Corbyn's lukewarm efforts to remain in the EU, said she would announce her bid on Monday, with a pledge to “explain my vision for the country and the difference a strong Labour Party can make.”

With German Chancellor Angela Merkel's popularity dropping as a result of the refugee crisis, it's unclear if she can win another term in 2017. As a result of Brexit, however, Europe may need Merkel more than ever. Previously, Merkel had said that she would not run again, but a Google search says she probably will.

With Hillary as president of the US, women leaders would have a very strong presence in global politics.

Hillary Clinton Headlines July 11, 2016

Lt. Gen. Flynn: U.S. won't 'collapse' because of same-sex marriage, abortion Politico

Good news for Hillary Clinton: June's job report was the strongest of 2016 VOX

Jill Stein Says Bernie Sanders Can Have the Green Party's Nomination The Fiscal Times

Clinton calls for national use of force standards for police PBS

Sanders claims victory as Dems approve $15 minimum wage in party platform Politico

Trump, Clinton run on opposite sides of a fractured America Politico

Politicos Look At Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders Through The Same Lens, As Left-Leaning Economists Say Bernie Economis Is Off the Rails

Political pundits are awash in comparing the youth vote behind America's Bernie Sanders and Britain's Jeremy Corbyn, two "grumpy old socialists from the sidelines of politics who have been saying the same thing since the 1980s" and now suddenly find themselves being "idolised as the standard-bearers of a new leftwing movement", writes The Guardian.

As the race is holding in polling this moment, there is one factor in America's caucus, primary voting that may break differently. Young voters of color have not yet bought into Bernie Bern. Always looking to read the data in the least critical thinking required analysis, it's true that Bernie Sanders is cleaning up with younger voters in Iowa and New Hampshire. But all projections are that he meets a very different tribe of young voters as he heads south.

In all honesty, all of America's young voters are up against the wall with insecure futures. But young people of color are more so, whichmay be a reason why they're not so quick to jump on the Bernie Sanders bandwagon. No matter what the Sanders crowd says, it's not as if Hillary Clinton has no history in political activism among people of color.

Left-Leaning Economists Question Cost of Bernie Sanders Plans New York Times

By the reckoning of the left-of-center economists, none of whom are working for Mrs. Clinton, the proposals would add $2 trillion to $3 trillion a year on average to federal spending; by comparison, total federal spending is projected to be above $4 trillion in the next president’s first year. “The numbers don’t remotely add up,” said Austan Goolsbee, formerly chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, now at the University of Chicago.
Alluding to one progressive analyst’s criticism of the Sanders agenda as “puppies and rainbows,” Mr. Goolsbee said that after his and others’ further study, “they’ve evolved into magic flying puppies with winning Lotto tickets tied to their collars.”

Hillary Clinton Headlines February 16, 2016

Clinton Campaign Says It Has Experienced Its Own Small Donor Boom Washington Post

Hillary Had My Back Huffington Post

Live from South Carolina Politico

Hillary HQ: Texas Early Voting Starts Today! Hillary HQ.com

How the 'Obama effect' helps Hillary Clinton and hurts Bernie Sanders, with black voters Washington Post

Sanders Social Security Plan Won't Work - No Wonder  The Hill

It's Time for Bernie Sanders To Release His Tax Returns Daily Kos