Home Secretary Theresa May Set To Become Prime Minister of Britain

Hillary Clinton strongly backs public option, wins praise from Bernie Sanders VOX

Hillary Clinton released this morning revisions in her health plan, pledges that aren't new to her platform. Hillary ran on the public option for healthcare in 2008 and she has long supported community health care centers, as VOX reminds reads.

What is a key point is that with the nomination in hand, Hillary is emphasizing progressive ideas that are important to most Democrats, not only Sanders supporters.

Besides a pledge to include a public option health insurance plan for Americans in every state, and doubling funding for primary care services in community health center, Clinton pledged to let Americans as young as 55 to opt into Medicare.

" Indeed, in a press call after Clinton’s announcement, Sanders described her health care proposal as an "extremely important initiative" and "an important step forward" — and emphasized that it was made "after discussions with our campaign."'

Bernie Sanders Allies Lose a Fight Over Democrats' Stance on Trade New York Times

The Democratic Platform Committee refused to adopt the Sanders language promising to never bring TPP to a vote. As we've written all week, such language would be a rebuke to President Obama and a largely symbolic move since the platform committee doesn't dictate the Congressional legislative agenda.

The Sanders team sent boos into the room, arguing that if Clinton really opposed TPP, she should sign on to the Sanders amendment.

One Down, Will We Have Another? Ladies Set to Lead in Britain

Angela Eagle to announce Labour party leadership bid on Monday The Guardian

We already know that Britain will have a woman Prime Minister, now Home Secretary Theresa May set to replace David Cameron.

Now Jeremy Corbyn has a challenger for head of the Labour opposition party. He will face a challenge by fellow MP Angela Eagle after talks between the party’s parliamentary wing and its labour union backers collapsed today, Saturday.

Eagle, who served as shadow business secretary until resigning her position in late June in protest to Corbyn's lukewarm efforts to remain in the EU, said she would announce her bid on Monday, with a pledge to “explain my vision for the country and the difference a strong Labour Party can make.”

With German Chancellor Angela Merkel's popularity dropping as a result of the refugee crisis, it's unclear if she can win another term in 2017. As a result of Brexit, however, Europe may need Merkel more than ever. Previously, Merkel had said that she would not run again, but a Google search says she probably will.

With Hillary as president of the US, women leaders would have a very strong presence in global politics.

Hillary Clinton Headlines July 11, 2016

Lt. Gen. Flynn: U.S. won't 'collapse' because of same-sex marriage, abortion Politico

Good news for Hillary Clinton: June's job report was the strongest of 2016 VOX

Jill Stein Says Bernie Sanders Can Have the Green Party's Nomination The Fiscal Times

Clinton calls for national use of force standards for police PBS

Sanders claims victory as Dems approve $15 minimum wage in party platform Politico

Trump, Clinton run on opposite sides of a fractured America Politico

Hillary Clinton Wins By Remodulating Her Voice & Wowing With Calm, Steely Speeches

How Should HIllary Clinton Dress? However She Goddamn Pleases The Guardian

...She just needs to be perfectly groomed at all times, but not look high-maintenance; she must wear gorgeous clothes, but they must not cost any money; she should look relatable but never “mumsy”; she must be feminine but not girly; she needs to look tough, but not like a bitch; she has to have perfect hair but spend no money on it; also her hair must not be too long (witchy) or too short (Jimmy Krankie); she must never have plastic surgery, but nor can she look old; she must think about her appearance at all times and simultaneously never think about such a frivolous issue; she has to look reassuringly presidential, which means looking like past male presidents, but she must never look masculine; she can’t wear dresses (too girly), but she also can’t wear trousers (too butch); she can’t wear makeup, but she must also always look as good as if she was wearing makeup; she should dress age-appropriate, but she must also never look like a 68-year-old woman; she should celebrate being a woman, but she also must not remind any men of their mother/ex-wife/any woman in their life who once made them feel sad.
But where, you ask, does one find such a magical outfit? Easy! You just buy it at the shop next door to the etiquette school that teaches female politicians how to have a speaking voice that is both strong and decisive, but also feminine and soft; how to be smart, but never ambitious; serious but not humourless; driven but not bossy; focused but not boring; tough but not a bitch; not too pretty but also not too ugly. After those lessons, they can then pop next door to the Female Politician Mentoring School, where they are taught that they should care about women’s issues, but never speak about them; they should never be the boss of any man (because then she’s a bitch boss), but also not the subordinate of any man (because then it looks like she slept her way into the job). Most of all, that they need 10 times more experience than any male politician to prove their worthiness, but also not be tainted by any actual political past. Some say that the contradictory expectations placed on female politicians suggests some people would rather they didn’t exist at all, but I say that’s nonsense. After all, look how easy-peasy it is!


Bernie Sanders's Democratic Party Reforms Focus on Things That Would've Helped Bernie Sanders Win Washington Post

The self-serving list of Sanders demands around reforms in the Democratic party do not include the elimination of caucuses, the truly undemocratic voting events that penalize countless voters from participating. Based on results in two states, Nebraska and Washington, it was determined -- by a landslide in Washington -- that the primary vote varies dramatically from the caucus results. Yet ending caucuses is not on Bernie's demand list.

Such a self-serving list of demands should not be taken seriously, because it's totally undemocratic. ~ Anne

Bernie Sanders and the Terms of Surrender New York Times

Nate Cohn and Toni Monkovic chat up Bernie's list of demands. As always thinking heads offer texture and relevant facts to the conversation.

Cohn raises the reality I've been thinking about: the longer Bernie waits to endorse Hillary, the less important his endorsement is. Life moves on; Trump is being an ass; Hillary is rising in the polls.

I personally reconciled with two of Sanders' more prominent supporters, although I know one will potentially be arrested in Philadelphia. Still, she will support Hillary in November, and although I was pressing them as feminists to address a topic impacting a recent Bernie decision. I backed down there on my own, choosing unity over making my point.

We will never persuade Bernie's most ardent supporters to vote for Hillary. And I can't imagine what positive messages Bernie would say about Hillary. Bernie can knock Trump with believability, but he has no loyalty to Hillary or the Democratic party. Warren, does. Hillary Clinton is a pretty good chess player, too. ~ Anne

"The primary season is over. Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democratic nominee. Yet the question of Bernie Sanders, and just what he will do next — and what he expects — remains unresolved.
Toni You recently tweeted: “A fun thought experiment: Imagine Sanders winning but Clinton refusing to endorse unless he adopted her views, etc.”
Sanders will speak to his supporters via videoconference tonight at 8:30 p.m. Eastern from Burlington, Vt. He still hasn’t endorsed her, and he’s still pushing hard for his policies. But what kind of leverage does he have?
Nate I think it’s an interesting kind of leverage. The Clinton camp would certainly like his full-throated endorsement. On the other hand, the longer he holds off endorsing, the less valuable it becomes and the more he risks marginalizing himself as the conversation moves on to the general election."

Hillary Clinton Headlines June 15, 2016

Is Donald Trump's Endgame the Launch of Trump News Vanity Fair

Hillary Clinton's VP pick: There's really only one choice CNBC

Pro Sanders Union Gets Behind Hillary Huffington Post

Battleground boss: Clinton leads Trump across swing-state map Politico

Trump's Twitter army Politico

Clinton to begin battleground ad blitz Politico

Ralston Reports: Small turnout creates big ripples Reno Gazette-Journal

Hillary Clinton Thinks Women Should Be Included in the Draft Huffington Post