Sanders Criticizes Dems For 'Courting Disaster' With Clinton Nomination

Chief Sanders surrogate Susan Sarandon is praying for a health emergency that derails Hillary Clinton's Democratic nomination. Campaign chairman Jeff Weaver says the superdelegates should overturn the popular vote in which Hillary leads Bernie by over 3 million votes -- and potentially close to 4 million in June. This Sanders tribe is a real democratic class act.

Sanders says that we little people don't count with Wall Street, but our votes cast don't count with Team Sanders either. The difference is???

Is Bernie Sanders Running Out of Steam in California?

Democratic presidential candidate Sen.Bernie Sanders (D-VT) arrives to speak at a campaign rally on May 10, 2016 in Stockton, Calif.

Bernie Sanders weakened heading into the Golden State MSNBC

The Bernie Sanders campaign California State director, Michael Ceraso resigned on Wednesday, telling Politico that he needed resources for neighborhood-level organizing and staff. The Sanders campaign said it was committed to TV advertising in one of the nation's most expensive markets.

MSNBC reports this morning that Sanders officials say they “probably” won’t spend more on television advertising for the June 7 primary, causing some California political experts to say that the Sanders campaign is basically issuing a declaration of surrender.

In another sign of trouble, a senior aide says the campaign is likely to stop producing new TV spots all together. That, after the campaign has cut more than 264 different TV ads, choosing to invest in ads and dedicated supporters in caucus states.

The campaign has been spending about $40 million a month, causing them to enter a cash crunch when donations slowed to $26 million last month and potentially a slower rate in May. The Sanders campaign issued a plea for cash this week, saying that electing Hillary Clinton would be a 'disaster' for both the Democratic party and the nation.

Bernie Sanders, the Zombie Candidate by David Wade Politico

I don’t claim that the dragged-out primary made the difference in November 2004; the race came down to the wire, and big forces—including post-9/11 anxiety and “Swift Boat” smears—loomed large. But in presidential campaigns, the one resource that’s never renewable is time. Zombie candidates can’t win the nomination, but they squander vast amounts of time and slowly chip away at the prohibitive front-runner. Some of the damage is obvious—the endless series of public dents in the candidate’s reputation; some are subtle, noticeable in ways that perhaps only political operatives can appreciate.

It’s an article of faith in politics that competitive primaries create stronger nominees, and I witnessed this firsthand as well. Kerry grew immensely as a candidate in the course of being tested by rivals from Dick Gephardt to Howard Dean; ditto for Barack Obama in 2008. Healthy competition is a good thing. But continuing to contest a primary after your path to victory disappears is not healthy; it actively hinders your would-be partisan ally.

Guess Who Once Lavished Praise on Hillary Clinton? The Atlantic

Speaking on Fox News in 2012, Donald Trump, whose supporters love his straight talk express (who was that -- John McCain) heaped "extravagant praise" on both Hillary and Bill Clinton. The subject under discussion was Hillary's prospective 2016 presidential run.

In his own words, Sir Orange LaPouf told Fox:

"Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I’m a little biased because I’ve known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. And I’ve known her and her husband for years and I really like them both a lot. And I think she really works hard. And again, she’s given an agenda that’s not all of her. But again, I think she really works hard. I think she does a good job. And I like her."

Hillary Clinton Headlines May 12, 2016

Biden wanted Warren as his VP Politico

Can Trump Win a Data-Free Campaign? The Atlantic

Hillary Clinton keeps the fight for a 'public option' alive MSNBC

Hillary Clinton Mocks Donald Trump Over Not Releasing Tax Returns New York Times

Unions prepare super PAC to take down Trump Politico

The Vice Presidency No One Should Want Politico