What's Wrong With Wanting A Woman President, As Long As She's Supremely Qualified?

Killer Mike's 'Uterus' Quote Against Hillary Clinton Got It All Wrong Bustle

Now, think how ridiculous that last sentence sounded. Killer Mike and Elliott are way off base if they believe that the country would vote Clinton into the White House, despite Bernie Sanders' many wonderful qualities, merely because she has a uterus.

The country is only now reaching the threshold that would allow a woman to not be automatically disqualified because of her sex, and even that's not for certain. Sanders has an attractive platform when it comes to social justice issues, but Clinton has proven time and again her expertise on just about all the issues, her perseverance in dealing with opponents in Washington, and her commitment to the American people. Leave the organs out of it.

Late-Breaking Sexism': Why Younger Women Aren't Excited About Electing A Woman President VOX

It wasn't until we hit that moment of embarking simultaneously on professional lives and family lives that feminism felt personally meaningful and urgent. But it's felt that way every minute of every day since then — when we learned that our teaching in graduate school would be held to a different standard than that of our male colleagues; when we're assumed by male officials to be present at high-level meetings to fetch coffee, not share our expertise; when our friends struggle to pump breast milk in dingy closets at law firms that have just spent tens of thousands of dollars upgrading their office floral arrangements. Our experiences in many ways reflect an incredibly privileged position, and it would be silly to suppose that they are representative of all women. But we do think it's relevant for understanding the particular group of young, educated, politically engaged women whose lack of enthusiasm at the prospect of a female president is causing so much consternation.