Hillary Clinton Is Just Killin' It In Super Tuesday (March 1) Primaries

In South Carolina Poll, Younger Blacks Lean Toward Clinton, Not Sanders NBC News

Listening to Craig Melvin interviewing South Carolina voters just now, what the heck is it with questions that lead the witness -- so to speak -- by suggesting that Hillary is 'having some problems' in the state. Your own damn poll out today shows Hillary leading 60 to 32% in the state, and that Hillary leads among African American voters under age 45.

Perhaps voters under 45 aren't a monolithic vote. Perhaps younger African American voters know that talk is cheap and the last thing that they want to do is to attach themselves to a pipe dream white guy who says racism isn't the problem, class is.

We don't claim to understand the dynamics of all that is wrong in America, but when we watch news reporters leaning hard on voters in their interviews because they support Hillary, it causes our blood pressure to rise.

We all know that MSNBC is all in for Bernie -- this crazy Chris Matthews petition aside -- but when you are leading the witness in a perceived effort to get them to change their vote, you are guilty as charged. ~ Anne

Follow all the Hillary Clinton News on Anne's Facebook HIllaryWomen News page.

Rachel Maddow Promotes the Bernie Sanders Super Tuesday Surprise as Today's PPP Poll Shows HIllary Killin' It

Will MSNBC even acknowledge Hillary Clinton's strong showing in the new PPP poll of Super Tuesday states? Nada. I woke up this am and flipped Morning Joe for 15 seconds, thinking they might be talking about something substantive like Hillary's Harlem speech. Nope. They were on some stupid Tweet re Hillary & Wall Street. Almost to a person, MSNBC is committed to defeating Hillary Clinton and electing their man Bernie Sanders.

Rachel Maddow reports on the extent of the Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton campaign operations in the primary and caucus states through March 1, Super Tuesday, and finds that the Sanders campaign has broader reach than many political observers realize.

Rachel, my dear, you wouldn't know that by the PPP (generally accurate) poll ‪#‎s‬ where Hillary leads by double digits in 9 of 12 states, except in Oklahoma where she and Bernie are even and Vermont, Massachusetts where Bernie is +7, where Sanders leads +76.

Double digit can be +10, so let's call out Hillary's #s, since MSNBC won't. Alabama +28; Arkansas +28; Georgia +34; Louisiana +31; Michigan +10; Mississippi +34; Tennessee +26; Texas +23; Virginia +22

Clinton is benefiting from overwhelming African American support. She leads by anywhere from 40-62 points among black voters in the nine of these states that have more black voters than the national average. Her support ranges from 63-74% with black voters in those states, while Sanders gets 12-23%:

Let me also say that I am personally so angry at the insinuation of Bernie Sanders that he has a better history in civil rights than Hillary Clinton -- or me, whose record is far more committed than Bernie's if actions speak louder than words -- that when Hillary is elected, I will make it my business to bird dog and report on all important legislation and articles important to the black community -- which is MY community, too.