Hillary Clinton Supporters Much More Likely To Have Daughters | New York Mayor Backs Clinton's Wall Street Reform Plans

Parents of daughters support Hillary Clinton more than parents of sons Washington Post

This fascinating analysis of the effect of having a daughter vs only a son or sons, shows that parents of daughters are 14 percentage points more likely to support Hillary Clinton in the primaries. Given all the margins of error built into the studies, the total effect of having a daughter on supporting Clinton

Hillary Clinton's Closing Argument of the Primary NBC News

Alex Mendola is a young college student and ardent Bernie Sanders supporter. At least he was until he heard former president Bill Clinton speak to him yesterday. The Clinton campaign reports that growing numbers of Sanders folks are becoming concerned about the prospects of the country actually electing Bernie Sanders as president.

"I was a solid Bernie voter, but now I'm not so sure," Mendola said after listening to the former president's remarks, which focused on the stakes of the election and Hillary Clinton's experience. "If Bernie won the primary and lost the general election, I think that would be disaster. So even if don't like Hillary as much as Bernie, I feel more confident that she would win the general election. And I think that's what's going to persuade me to vote for Hillary if I do."

NARAL Endorses Hillary Clinton, Making Up for 2008 Snub NBC News

In a sign of the strength of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, NARAL Pro-Choice America endorsed her candidacy on Tuesday.

"I am honored to earn the endorsement of NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC. As one of our country's leading advocates for reproductive rights, NARAL's work is more important than ever," Clinton said in a statement on Tuesday. "I will stand with NARAL and women across the country in defending access to abortion, contraception, and sex education. I will stand with NARAL in advocating for policies that help women and families. The stakes could not be higher in this election, and I am grateful to the more than 1 million members of NARAL for their support," she added.

The NARAL endorsement has symbolic value as well. In 2008, the organization chose to endorse then Sen. Barack Obama over Clinton in the midst of the bitter Democratic presidential primary fight. The decision to back Obama was widely viewing as shocking snub, considering Clinton's long history of backing women's rights causes.

Related on AOC: Facts vs Fiction: TV Distorts the Reality of Abortion Health Care, Making It A Luxury For White Women Dec. 31, 2015 AOC Women's News

Hillary Clinton Headlines Jan 5, 2015

From Trump to Clinton, the race for the White house is powered by delusion The Guardian

Progressive New York mayor backs Clinton's Wall Street package Politico

Clinton Comes Out Swinging at Sanders Wall Street Plan -- Before He Unveils It Bloomberg Politics

Hillary Clinton Announces Plan to Address Autism TIME

One Reason Hillary Clinton Might Underperform In The Early States (And one reason she might now) FiveThirtyEight Politics

The Bill and Hillary show hits the road Politico