Hillary Supporters Go To Work On Progressive News Website Blue Nation Review

Sale of Blue Nation Review Gives Hillary Clinton Camp Its Very Own Media Outlet Huff Po

Thanks goodness! After months of reading Bernie Bros, trash-talking, anti-Hillary rants on Salon and other progressive websites, the Hillary Clinton camp is getting its own digital media outlet. Hillary Clinton ally David Brock of Media Matters and super PAC Correct the Record has formed True Blue Media, acquiring progressive news website Blue Nation Review.

Peter Daou, digital media strategist for Clinton's 2008 campaign, will become the new CEO of True Blue Media. Daou, along with Tom Watson, launched the high-quality Hillary Clinton advocate and defender HillaryMen, earlier this year.

Hillary Clinton Proposes Plan to Boost US Manufacturing TIME

Speaking in Atlanta today, Hillary Clinton announced major initiatives to jump start manufacturing in America. To back up her vision, Clinton promised to strengthen 'Buy American' regulations, which require that all US highway work must be completed with American-made steel and concrete.

Clinton Forces See 3 Possible GOP Opponents Politico

Hillary Clinton super PAC backers are now focused on three men: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, writes Politico.

Jeb Bush is history, say Hillary backers, who are particularly focused on the rise of Ted Cruz and his lack of few long-term alliances.

“We’re trying to figure out, do people have a baked-in feeling that he’s a nut job? How much do people actually know about Ted Cruz?” said one Clinton ally.

"Part of that means raising a character issue — playing on the idea, expressed most virally by his former Princeton University roommate, that everyone who’s ever known Cruz, hates Cruz. “I would rather have anybody else be the president of the United States,” the candidate’s freshman-year roommate, Craig Mazin, told The Daily Beast. “Anyone. I would rather pick somebody from the phone book.”'

Hillary Clinton: How I'd Rein In Wall Street New York Times

Hillary Clinton published yesterday Dec. 7, an op-ed in the New York Times on the financial industry. For the first time, Clinton uses the high-impact soundbite that ordinary Americans want to hear:

"Finally, executives need to be held more accountable. No one should be too big to jail. I would seek to extend the statute of limitations for major financial crimes to 10 years from five and enhance rewards for whistle-blowers. I would work to ensure that financial firms admit wrongdoing as part of settlements in instances of egregious misconduct, and increase transparency about the terms of settlement and the fines actually paid to the government. Fines should be more than just the cost of doing business to these companies — they should be an effective disincentive for illegal behavior."

Hillary Headlines

Poll: Clinton Holds Double-digit Lead Over Sanders in Iowa Politico

Clinton Leads in 2016 Match-Ups As Carson, Rubio Run Closest NBC News

The left's absurd Hillary hate: Why this ridiculous anti-Clinton crusade needs to stop Salon

Elizabeth Warren Shows Support For Hillary Clinton's Wall Street Plan New York Times

Hillary Clinton Urges Silicon Valley to 'Disrupt' ISIS New York Times