Obama's David Plouffe Endorses Hillary Clinton

Why I'm for Hillary Clinton: David Plouffe Medium

Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign manager David Plouffe endorsed Hillary Clinton today, writing: "Now, to be honest, during the most intense days of the 2008 primary, I would never have imagined writing this piece. And I doubt Team Clinton felt any differently about me," Plouffe wrote in a post on Medium.

"We've come a long way. Still, eight years after that historic night in Des Moines, there's so much left to do," Plouffe wrote, referring to the annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner, which will occur again Saturday night. "And Americans still need a president who will wake up every day, prepared to overcome any obstacle on their behalf. Hillary Clinton should — and I believe will — be that president."

Warm in Public, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton Have Been Intense Rivals in Private New York Times

Meetings with his foreign policy aides veered into lengthy discussions about Mrs. Clinton’s hawkish stance. At dinners with donors, Mr. Biden expressed astonishment at her handling of the controversy over her private email server. Those close to him say the mere mention of her name could make him fume, and he viewed her family’s potent, sometimes punishing political machinery with growing resentment
The decades-long relationship between Mr. Biden and Mrs. Clinton has included many public expressions of warmth, but in private, it has been marked by an intense rivalry as they both imagined ascending to the highest office in the land. And as the Democratic establishment this summer increasingly fell into line behind Mrs. Clinton as the party’s best chance of winning the presidency, Mr. Biden felt slighted and hurt.

Hillary Headlines October 24, 2015

Painters with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades surprised Hillary in Las Vegas last Wednesday after the first debate, with this 8'ft mural of her painted inside the union hall. This is a historical first, writes the Daily Mail, saying that no other Democrat has inspired a larger-than-life likeness created by a union worker. We guess people are forming a personal attachment to Hillary after all, and that is only good news!

Hillary Clinton's triumphant October Sees Political Observers' Doubts Fade The Guardian

Key Union Endorses Hillary Clinton CNN

Clinton on the Rise in Iowa Politico