Hearing His Angry Critics, Joe Biden Announces That He Will Not Seek Presidency in 2016

Call Anne VERY Disappointed With Joe Biden's Mouth On Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Posted by HIllaryWomenNews minutes before US Vice President Joe Biden announced that he will not run for President in 2016.

Dear Joe. I'm collecting my thoughts on what to say to you, but Anita, Gloria and Hillary are on my mind right now. You said yesterday how much you like Dick Cheney and the Republicans. I want you to know how absolutely NERVOUS and DISTRUSTFUL you are making me feel about you.
There's nothing worse for women than a bunch of Bible-toting men in any party, and you admit, Joe -- in your heart -- that you accept the Biblical version of events. You said it three weeks ago when the media-celebrity Pope Francis was rocking the East Coast. One Supreme Court Justice is enough for you, Joe Biden! And don't kid yourself, Sir. We have just begun to fight! If you run, this battle becomes epic and deeply personal, in a way it isn't with Bernie Sanders! (We will) Never Forget! ~ Anne Enke

Clearly HIllaryMen had a similar response. Many of us have been very frustrated with Joe Biden's increasingly apparent need to keep the entire Democratic party on pins and needles while he pondered his decision about running. In this particularly good week for Hillary, Joe Biden was increasingly becoming a spoiler in waiting. The Vice President pushed my buttons when he suggested that people like me were bullying him . . . and he would not be bullied. For those of us who have exhibited enormous patience and respect for Joe, his accusations were a bit much.

And then yesterday, all hell began to break lose, as Joe Biden leveled one aggressive comment after another against HIllary Clinton, while simultaneously telling the nation how much he personally likes Dick Cheney and Republicans.  

I got up this morning deciding to take the gloves off, and admittedly Gloria Steinem got me going with her new book. As always HillaryMen was already in the groove. 

Tempted By Power, Joe Biden Takes A Reckless, Legacy-Wrecking Swipe at HIllary HIllaryMen

The gloves are off.
Out of respect for Vice President Biden and following Hillary Clinton's example, we have refrained from criticizing his extended (and destabilizing) decision-making process. But with Biden taking a cheap, dangerous and unwarranted shot at Hillary, our self-imposed constraint is over.
Here’s what Biden said, per NY Mag:
Either Joe Biden is gearing up for his entry into the 2016 race, or he just thinks Hillary Clinton needs to be taken down a peg. The vice president never mentioned the Democratic front-runner by name, but at an event honoring former Vice President Walter Mondale on Tuesday evening, he took aim at Clinton's boast during last week's debate that she's proud to count the Republicans among her enemies. "It is necessary to end this notion that the enemy is the other party, end this notion that it’s naive to think we can speak well of the other party and cooperate," Biden said. 
Biden also challenged Clinton's oblique suggestion during the debate that she's running for a third Obama term. He claimed that for the past seven years, he's spent five to seven hours a day with the president. "I attend every meeting the president has — at his request," Biden said, adding that they are "simpatico" on every major issue. 
And what about the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, that one very notable occasion when Biden and Obama weren't in sync? Well, Biden spent the day revising that story, so now he was completely behind the decision to send in special forces.  
Calling a popular, powerful, accomplished woman “naive” has troubling overtones. Saying it about the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination is exceptionally reckless. Especially with Donald Trump on track to become the Republican nominee. Not to mention the folly of pretending to play nice with Republicans with the aim of making Hillary look unreasonable and uncooperative. Biden knows very well which Republicans Hillary was referring to when she made her tongue-in-cheek remark at the debate, so his swipe is disingenuous.  

Hillary Headlines Oct 21, 2015