Is Benghazi Committee Unraveling Days Before Hillary Clinton Testifies?

Flare-Up on Benghazi Committee as Hillary Clinton Testimony Nears New York Times

Very serious disagreements broke out over the weekend, focused on increasing accusations that the House Benghazi Committee is a partisan witch hunt against Hillary Clinton. Representative Elijah E. Cummings, the committee's top Democrat, released a letter to chairman Republican Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina claiming that Gowdy knew he was lying when he claimed that Clinton had inadvertently outed a name of a Central Intelligence Agency source in Libya.

Representative Cummings said that the CIA gad informed the committee that information about the source was not classified. Gowdy claimed that the redaction had been one by the Obama Administration, adding "the fact that the CIA says it didn;t do so does not mean the material was not sensitive or classified."

Representative Cummings alleges that such a response confirms the reality that Gowdy is making up his own rules as head of the committee.

Related: These have been among the worst weeks of my life (Trey Gowdy) Politico

Andrea Mitchell -- No Friend To HIllary Clinton -- Erupts In Her Defense Regarding Role Of Blumenthal

Disputes continued throughout the morning talk shows, with Andrea Mitchell -- who seems to publicly loath HIllary Clinton -- confronting Benghzai member Republican from Kansas Mike Pompeo over his assertion that Hillary Clinton relied almost exclusively on the Libya-related intelligence provided by former advisor Sidney Blumenthal. Mitchell interrupted Pompeo repeatedly saying: "That is factually not correct . . . I cover the State Department. That is just factually not correct. . . . And I've been as tough on this issue as anyone."

State Dept cybersecurity under Hillary Clinton Assailed CBS News

The State Department's compliance with federal cybersecurity standards was below average when Hillary Clinton took over as secretary of state in 2009 and it grew worse in each year of her tenure, according to an annual report card compiled by the White House based on audits by agency watchdogs.

Agency security has continued to deteriorate under current secretary John Kerry and remains substandard, according to the State Department inspector general.

In each year from 2011 to 2014, the State Department's poor cybersecurity was identified by the inspector general as a "significant deficiency" that put the department's information at risk. The latest assessment is due to be published in a few weeks.

Hillary Headlines Oct 19, 2015

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