As Hillary Clinton Rides A Big, Post-Debate Wave, Just What Is MSNBC's Problem With Hillary This Week?

Joe Biden's Checkmate Move - Endorse Hillary Clinton HillaryMen

We agree with Hillary that Joe Biden should be given the time and space to make his own decision, but we don’t feel it is out of order to suggest that Biden could cement his legacy forever by endorsing Hillary. He would be seen as a hero by women and girls across the world who are fully invested in Hillary’s candidacy and who are within reach of a goal that has eluded them for nearly a quarter millennium.
Biden’s endorsement of Hillary would roil the GOP field, who are already terrified of facing Hillary in a general election. It would be a brilliant move, a political checkmate.
Let’s hope he does it.


Despite what we're hearing from MSNBC -- including Chris Hayes tonight -- it's not only insiders who think Hillary Clinton won the debate -- but focus groups and observations by reporters in bars around America found that real people thought Bernie won the debate, says MSNBC. Seven hours ago -- plenty of time for MSNBC to at least add the info to their reporting -- Daily Kos reported the first debate poll results of about 750 Democrats who gave the win to Clinton 62% to Sanders at 30% with O'Malley getting 9%.

Why is it next to impossible for MSNBC to just report the bare facts about Hillary? We want no praise for her. But factual reporting would be nice, thank you. What is the damn problem unless you are absolutely committed to seeing Bernie Sanders beat Hillary?

The consistent reporting/programming of this network -- including Andrea Mitchell being INCAPABLE of citing positives about Hillary's performance last night at the close of the debate -- show the small-mindness of a media group that just cannot bring itself to believe that Hillary Clinton is a competent candidate for president of the United States. ~ Anne

Hillary Clinton Wings Big In Vegas The New Yorker

Undoubtedly, Hillary Clinton was the biggest winner, partly because she was playing for the highest stakes. She flew into Nevada as a wounded favorite, whose stumbling performance during the past six months, much of it provoked by the issue of her personal e-mail server, had left many Democrats wondering whether she could get it together in time to win a nomination that was supposed to have been hers for the taking, let alone to win the general election. If she had come across as tetchy and defensive, as she has so often this year, or if she had committed an embarrassing verbal gaffe, the pressure on her would have increased still further, and the chances of Vice-President Joe Biden entering the race would have gone up.
Instead, Clinton delivered a performance that no doubt reminded establishment Democrats why they had rallied behind her in the first place, and reminded Republicans why she could prove to be a most formidable opponent come November, 2016. Sharp, personable, and assured, she batted off an early question from the moderator, Anderson Cooper, about her flip-flops on various issues, breezed through most of the subsequent exchanges, and received a big assist from her closest rival, Bernie Sanders, who, in perhaps the most memorable moment of the evening, declared, “The American people are sick 

After Clinton's strong performance, a Biden bid looks more debatable LA Times

Speaking on Wednesday for many of his party peers, Democratic strategist Jim Manley said the opening he once saw, owing to Clinton's slumping poll numbers and ensnarement in serial controversies, had all but slammed shut.
"There's no denying that her campaign has been in a bad place for at least several months, and there was rising concern about how strong of a position she was going to be in heading into the meat of the campaign," said Manley, a longtime Capitol Hill veteran who supports Clinton.

Hillary Headlines Oct 14, 2015

Clinton Leans Left in Las Vegas Politico

Hillary Clinton hopes to make diverse Nevada her campaign bulwark LA Times

Hillary Clinton's 'Smart Girl' Triumph Newsweek

Clinton Crushes It Politico

Queen Hillary Came To Play New York Times