Fincube | Portable Eco Home With Small Footprint, Big Style

The 506 sq ft Fincube is designed to coexist with, not to trample Mother Nature. Designed as a high-tech, low-energy, small footprint resident offering magnificent views of Italy’s Dolomite Mountains, the one-bedroom residence is built on a pedestal, with minor damange to the ground below it and also a portability factor of a small house that is easy to move.

In 2003, the German designer Werner Aisslinger developed a visionary concept of living with the invention of the Loftcube to recover low priced living space in cities.

Josef Innerhofer, a businessman and hotelier from South Tirol met the German designer at a conference of the Institute for the Future in Frankfurt. They designed this housing gem called Fincube as an option for ecotourism.


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