Fincube | Portable Eco Home With Small Footprint, Big Style

The 506 sq ft Fincube is designed to coexist with, not to trample Mother Nature. Designed as a high-tech, low-energy, small footprint resident offering magnificent views of Italy’s Dolomite Mountains, the one-bedroom residence is built on a pedestal, with minor damange to the ground below it and also a portability factor of a small house that is easy to move.

In 2003, the German designer Werner Aisslinger developed a visionary concept of living with the invention of the Loftcube to recover low priced living space in cities.

Josef Innerhofer, a businessman and hotelier from South Tirol met the German designer at a conference of the Institute for the Future in Frankfurt. They designed this housing gem called Fincube as an option for ecotourism.


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The Fincube is oriented in a helical pattern, so when visitors enter up through the pedestal, they travel in a circle through the kitchen, living area, then the bedroom and finally the bathroom. Triple-glazed windows cover the entire facade of the home, offering 360 degree views of the surrounding landscape, and an exterior shade screen with walkway cages in the house. The shade screen provides shading and ventilation for the house without impinging on the stunning views. Additionally, the home is a smart house and all vital house-functions are controlled by a central touchpad and a solar system can easily be added to the roof.

via Fincube