Lara Stone as Liz Taylor for V #73 | Reese Witherspoon Reinvention | Rachel Horn's Airstream

Reese Witherspoon Again

Avon’s Global Ambassador Reese Witherspoon | ‘The Reinvention of Reese’ | Marie Claire October 2011 AOC Style

Witherspoon, Avon’s Global Ambassador, opens the interview in Moscow, where 4,000 Russian Avon ladies have converged to meet her. Some have boarded a plane for the first time to help celebrate Avon’s 125th anniversary and to talk about women’s issues.

Talking about issues — rather than running from them — is the hallmark of a Smart Sensuality brand and the woman (or man).

An hour later, standing onstage, she explains why it’s important to speak up about domestic violence. Russia has no laws against the crime, and Avon is backing a campaign to change that. Witherspoon mentions a new national hotline, then wraps up with an energetic, “Thanks so much for having me!” The Russian women stand and clap, their hands high above their heads.

Airstream Luxury Rebirth

Rachel Horn & Justin Kriezel Reinvent Old Airstreams AOC Style

We’ve seen some Airstreams in life but nothing like the silver dune buggy designed by Rachel Horn, a Los Angeles interior designer, and her husband and business partner Justin Kriezel. The duo found the Airstream on Craigslist for $5,000, and then spent another $15,000 refurbishing the unit which now has a working kitchen and full bathroom.

Neiman Marcus Fall 2011

Drew Barrymore | Norman Jean Roy | Neiman Marcus Fall 2011 AOC Style