Katie Burnett Captures ‘Ombre Est Lumiere’ Jewelry for M le Magazine du Monde

Models Alix Bouthors, Mees Aanraad and Popo Nauczyciel are styled by Katie Burnett as Eve. Burnett [IG] also photographs the ensemble in a profusion of ornaments with floral motifs, captured against the dull brilliance of stones and pearls for M le Magazine du Monde.

In this fashion story ‘Ombre Est Lumiere’ the Biblical Eve is not tempted by fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The temptation is magnificent jewelry shrouded in a surreal halo worn by a cast of characters who say “if we’re getting kicked out of Eden, anyway, we might as well be true to our own self-identity.” / Hair by Olivier Schawalder; makeup by Patrick Glatthaar; set design by Sophear Van Froment

Creative direction from Jean-Baptiste Talbourdet-Napoleone [IG]