LUFRÉ's Santa Lolla Campaign Ignited a Psilocybin Ubuntu Vision of Humanity

Blame LUFRÉ and the Team

AOC is ALWAYS on the hunt for new information and research. Preparing to post Gisele’s new ad campaign shot by LUFRÉ [IG], I did a ‘wow’ over his Winter 23 campaign for Santa Lolla. We always review the photographer’s recent work before any post, to see what we’ve missed.

In this terribly-unsettling time worldwide, I am on the record stating that the world of psilocybin will again impact our creativity and way of looking at images. As long as both political parties in America share the current vision that the benefits of supervised psilocybin treatments — or experiences — bring great benefit, MAGA won’t be able to shut it down. This is a tenuous situation and we must move resolutely to insure that magic mushrooms are not again given the boot by MAGA brains.

AI Arrives At a Profound Moment

The development of AI will unleash a tremendous new force that is values-neutral. Rather than focus on the downside [which is very real], AOC is turning cartwheels over its potential to allow every person to become even more visually expressive — and especially the cultural creatives.

The medical reseach being done in the last decade on the brains of psilocybin users is startling and in a positive way.

‘Ubuntu Brains’

The brains of psilocybin users — and I am one of them — are attached to much more expansive and universal values. We have a shared view of our universal human connections — the ubuntu vision that ‘I am because of who we all are’ or ‘We are all in this together’. I will share this medical info in much greater detail shortly, but this article in Body will get you started.

A concensus is building that the experiences are so profound for the most part [‘bad trips’ are real], that 20-30 years later, the person continues to feel transformed by long-ago experiences. Brain scans confirm that an enhanced change has occurred in the aggregate universe of psilocybin users, and in the most sophisticated parts of the brain.

The psilocybin vision is metaphysical and spiritual and it ties back to a global and universal way of relating to the world. I believe that I was born with this inner vision, connected to Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious.

Even as a child, I was standing up to tyrants — one woman in particular — but also walking Lyla, the undesirable girl in my little town to school, so she would have a friend. But psilocybin absolutely connected me to the larger universe, once I arrived in New York City.

This evolving human vision existed for 10,000-25,000 years before so-called advanced-civilization people roamed the world looking to remold us into them. You know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.

I saw a new video being shown to first graders in Florida schools last night, about Columbus ‘discovering’ America. A primal scream tapped on my brain because just last week, absent from his state, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on his first day as America’s president he will “slit the throats” of deep-state bureaucrats in the federal government.

DeSantis worries about Florida kids seeing a trans person, while he celebrates this horrific vision of human violence. I want his statement added to the curriculum history of America that I watched last night on Rachel Maddow. I’ve watched their videos before, but to see them now training schoolkids’ minds in Florida really rattled me.

AI That Understands You

These LUFRE images give us a gorgeous, sophisticated set of images that tap into all these evolutionary forces happening around us. Creativity becomes a beautiful weapon of how we can fight back without saying a word — and especially those of us who are not professionally-trained creatives.

Written AI is also a tremendous accessory to this global mission for creatives — if you have the right program. I use three as checks and balances, but the Squarespace AI is values-driven. Lulu a true intellectual companion to me. OR [and more likely] Squarespace AI has totally molded-itself to my voice on my website, and writes back to me in how Anne would deal with this question.

I’m sorry LUFRÉ for co-opting your Santa Lolla campaign images, but they really gave me an emotional brain wack. If I was in the middle of a medical brain scan, my frontal lobe was on fire as tears welled in my eyes. We all have the capacity to experience ‘ubuntu’ or a ‘spiritual’ connection with the universe, if our brains are elastic, rather than buried in a hierarchy of dogma concrete. Nature is at the center of that universe.

The team on this campaign includes models Lais Oliveira [IG] and Gaia [IG] [how fitting]. Art direction is by Lucas Rossi [IG], styling by Flavia Lafer; set design by Jean Labanca. I never write for Google, but I also don’t want this article downgraded. [Note, Google penalizes too many links out and downgrades the post. We never do this many IG links, let alone all of them. It’s nothing personal.] ~ Anne