Kamala Harris Is Poised to Become Democratic Presidential Foe to Trump

Kamala Harris Is Poised to Become Democratic Presidential Foe to Trump

Honoring American Vice President Kamala Harris, Preparing to Battle with MAGA in an Epic Fight for America’s Future

This is not a time for the feint-hearted. Find your backbones and FIGHT for our Great Country.

Life is not perfect and neither is America. We can only move forwards, and not undo the dreadful parts of our past history. So organize yourselves; get everyone registered to vote; and go out there and fight for the country your ancestors died for.

MAGA’s Project 2025 seeks to destroy all progress made in the last 50 years in this country. Everything is gone from contraception to gay marriage.

We’ve got one shot to stop it, and Kamala Harris is our leader.

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