Pyer Moss Open Studio 2 Collection 3 Campaign Lensed by Micaiah Carter

Pyer Moss Open Studio 2 Collection 3 Campaign Lensed by Micaiah Carter

Pyer Moss Creative Director Kerby Jean-Raymond debuted the brand’s Collection 3, titled ‘Sister’, with an open casting call. Called Open Studio 2, the campaign again invited the brand’s customers and community to get involved in the creative process of the campaign.

Micaiah Carter (IG) contributed photography to the campaign; Kerby Jean-Raymond provided creative direction; Sakinah Sela and Antoine Gregory for styling; Jawara for hair direction; Latisha Chong, Matt Benns, Mideyah Chong, Allie Jackson, Shamicka Williams, Roddi W., and Helena Moke for hair styling; Raisa Flowers for makeup; Natalie Hoffman for set design; Katherine Mateo for casting; Alex Ashe for moving image; Anthony Konigbagbe for artistic direction; and Adbur Rahman for production.