After Paris Murders In Name of Islam, Saudi Arabia Launches 1000 Lashes Friday January 9, 2015 For Blogger Who Insulted Islam

Saudi Blogger To Be Publicly Flogged For Insulting Islam NPR

A Saudi blogger will be flogged 50 lashes tomorrow, the first of 20 public floggings for insulting Islam. In all, 1000 lashes will be administered to Raif Badawi, increased from 600 lashes during the appeal process. The blogger Badawi was found guilty of insulting Islam on his website Free Saudi Liberals and was also fined about $266,000 and 10 years in prison for his crime.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the U.S. was greatly concerned at Badawi’s punishment “for exercising his rights to freedom of expression and religion.”

“The United States Government calls on Saudi authorities to cancel this brutal punishment and to review Badawi’s case and sentence,” she said.

Amnesty International said it too had learned of Badawi’s impending punishment.

“It is horrifying to think that such a vicious and cruel punishment should be imposed on someone who is guilty of nothing more than daring to create a public forum for discussion and peacefully exercising the right to freedom of expression,” Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa director for the group, said in a statement.

Badawi’s wife and children moved to Canada after he was arrested and his website has been closed.

Saudi blogger Raif Badawi.

Anne of Carversville has a long history of supporting women’s rights in America and internationally.

We have never involved ourselves in the case of a man before, but coming on the heels of the assassinations in Paris this week in the name of Islam, we must speak up for another blogger Raif Badawi.

AOC has worked to end the flogging of 40,000 women a year in Sudan for perceived indecent exposure. This is what a flogging of a woman in Sudan looks like. Women in Saudi Arabia are also lashed for an offense like an ankle showing.

Although there is no mention of burqas or their equivalent in the Quran, the most orthodox, fundamentalist, murderous branches of Islam say that an ankle showing warrants this punishment for offending Islam.

I am just convulsing over the thought of the punishments that await Raif Badawi for trying to moderate the tribal-mentality, Saudi Arabian government in the 21st century. There is a petition at Amnesty International for readers and friends wanting to stop this brutal punishment coming on the heels of the Paris murders in the name of Islam.

Laughing Brutality in Woman’s Flogging Video Chills Sudan The files of this video were transferred to Anne, after You Tube continually took it down for violating its restrictions on violence. It was the government in Khartoum that demanded that it be taken down. We posted the files on AOC and social media, but also transferred the files to a contact at Bloomberg News.

Flogging of Sudanese women in Khartoum from Anne Enke on Vimeo.


The first public lashing of Raif Badawi was carried out today. The Saudi video was horrific — much worse than this video out of Sudan, which is also just heart breaking to watch. And then men laughed at this poor woman.