Easeamine's Bro Dennis-Anthony To Blog With Anne

Brother Dennis–Anthony after he got off the phone with Anne. Just kidding.Background: In 2009 Anne became acquainted with the Easeamine skin care products and goals of Bro Dennis-Anthony’s Carmelite Laboratories LLC. She began using the product with visible and significant results and also wrote about Easeamine in her usual honest way. Reconciling her love of Easeamine and writing truthfully about “fashion to flogging” wasn’t problematic for Anne, but she felt certain that her ferocious response to a few comments got her tossed off Bro Dennis’ radar that summer.

Two years elapsed. A week ago Easemine’s president Paul Menard reached out to Anne again. Not only was our woman warrior not banished from their comunity but the guys wanted her to support the Easeamine project going forward. “Do you understand Anne of Carversvile?” she asked. “Indeed, we do,” was their response. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Anne pressed again, a bit incredulous. “I’m not changing my content or my fierce voice to stay out of trouble.”

When the phone rang Monday morning, Anne assumed the call was from Paul Menard. Not so. Brother Dennis-Anthony was on the line, leaving Anne swinging between disbelief and tears for the next 90 minutes. As you can see from his exhuberant excitement above, the call went well between the two of them. (Sorry, fibbing.)

Pressing Anne to personal action beyond promoting Easeamine, Bro Dennis-Anthony suggested a joint blog. “You will be crucified, no disrespect intended,” she replied. He was serious, relentlessly enthusiastic and if you speak for five minutes with Bro Dennis, you, too, will be infected with his determination to change the world.

The Prior kept his promise, penning his first post that afternoon. We’ve decided to call their blog 2Ps in a Pod, and Anne will explain conceptually why she chose that name, when she writes her response to Bro Dennis, due Saturday. In all honesty, this new blog may become one of the more interesting exchanges on the Internet. Fasten your seat belts, she likes driving fast.

2Ps in a Pod | Anne & Bro Dennis Wyrzykowski

Dear Anne,

It was a welcomed delight to speak and connect with you over the telephone this morning. Infrequently do I keenly respond to an individual as I have with you through our 90 minute conversation. Having our anti-aging Easeamine Product Line as the string that united us, I am grateful that God has provided this opportunity.

You moved my heart and spirit by your humble and passionate approach to truth, which compels me to engage in regular dialogue with you. I enter this relationship whole-heartedly, making me extremely vulnerable. However, only by expressing myself in such a manner, will I continue to grow as a brother/monk.

As you know, I am the Prior of a small ecumenical Carmelite (a spiritual tradition formally established in 13th century Israel based in prayer, relationship and fellowship) community of consecrated men, women and lay members. We are dedicated to prayer and service. One of our goals is to help people help themselves through education and other outreach programs. I developed Carmel Laboratories LLC, the creator of Easeamine, to help support my monastery and ministry.

In 1981, I embraced the traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience within my community. Throughout these years of following my tradition within the Catholic Church, I have witnessed the sanctity of individuals like Mother Teresa of Calcutta and also the contrary.

Brother Dennis–Anthonyi at prayer.Walking Where Angels Do Actually Hang Out

What attracts me to collaborate with you is the chance to dialog with main street America — and your global audience, too — in a provocative, but artistic setting. I long to express universal truths and spirituality that cross barriers of culture and belief without judgment.


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