Flogged in Sudan: A Woman Lawyer Shares Brutal Details Of Her Being Whipped By Khartoum's Morality Police

Anne’s Reflections on ‘Halima’s Flogging’

Anne here. I woke up this morning to new video files of a flogging in Sudan, sent to me by my friends in Khartoum. The video has been published on Facebook, but is continually taken down after complaints by the Online Sudanese National Security Unit and their Islamists friends for being offensive and violent.

How ironic that the very thugs who perpetrate the violence against about 40,000 women a year in Sudan for  ‘offenses’ as minor as not covering their heads, then turn to Facebook and YouTube, complaining that the video showing them flogging women is violent.

Amira Osman Back In Khartoum Court September 19

Sudanese engineer and businesswoman Amira Osman is due back in a Khartoum court on September 19. Her judge was a no-show earlier this month. Amira says she is prepared to be flogged to defend the right to leave her hair uncovered in defiance of the ‘Taliban’-like law Article 152 of Sudan’s morality laws, instituted after the 1989 Islamist-backed coup by current president Omar-al-Bashir.

Our commitment to supporting the women of Sudan to end the brutal flogging of tens of thousands of women each year in Sudan is just part of our daily mission at AOC. 

The raw files of Halima’s Flogging, this morning’s video are being installed on Vimeo, where they will be safe from the the Online Sudanese National Security Unit and their Islamists friends. Anne of Carversville has a policy of PUBLISHING these videos of women being flogged in Sudan. We exist to tell the stories of violence against women worldwide, even when they are wrenching to watch.

Seriously, men of Sudan’s National Security Police. MAN UP!!!

If you are so fast to flog women for no good reason, be manly enough to take public credit for your actions. There’s nothing worse than a group of weak men running for cover when the digital world holds them accountable for brutalizing women.

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