Anne Incorporates Her Uterus After Republican War on Women Nightmare

RedTracker| The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida has launched a new website

The idea was launched in response to Rep Scott Randoph’s (D-Orlando) statement on the house floor that making a uterus into a corporation may be the only way to protect Florida women from lawmakers determined to fully regulate her body. Writes The Florida Independent:

“The Florida Legislature – and extreme social conservatives across the country – are taking rules and regulation off of businesses and adding them to uteruses,” said Howard Simon, Executive Director of ACLUFL. “People who really understand and respect personal freedom have to do something.  Maybe telling lawmakers that your body is really a business is the best way to get them to leave it alone.”

When I first heard the report, I said ‘We should incorporate our uteruses.’I have incorporated mine and will proudly post the declaration when it arrives. Men can register an ‘honorary’ uterus.

Rep Randolph’s wife Susannah, has added her voice to the Facebook page for the project.

I am shocked that across the state legislatures, men are reading every control imaginable over women’s bodies into the public records. But Rep Randolph is reprimanded, as he tells Rachel Maddow, for saying the word ‘uterus’ in a pro-woman, pro-privacy, pro-freedom manner.

America is roaring back to the McCarthy era unless concerned people take action. There is no doubt.

Rachel Maddow Interviews Rep Scott Randolph

My decision to register my uterus results from a terrible nightmare — the first in my life — about the Republican war on women. My profound dreams have always had a positive ending. Not this dream; it left me terrified and ready to board the bus to Washington tomorrow to once again stand up for American women, who are under assault from every direction.

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