Saint Shakira Calls Libido the "Engine of the World"

I’m impossibly arrogant to suggest that Shakira’s announcement that libido is the engine of the world was intended to provide critical backup for my post this morning on feminism and morality.

Let’s just say that two Smart Sensuality women are on the same train track.

It’s true that Shakira’s blend of sexuality and philanthropy launched my own re-entry into activism this summer. Shakira, the burqa debate and Lubna Hussein’s defiant standup to the morality police in Sudan cleared out the cobwebs in my head.

Euan Ferguson interviews Shakira for The Observer, getting wise to the fact that there’s a serious brainiac with curves in the room, a woman who inspires you to think about “far deeper things than one might expect, especially if one was coming to Shakira on the music and looks alone.”

What a bloody patroning remark.

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