The Death of American Feminism And Religious Orthodoxy

Writing for Slate, Katha Pollitt has decisively answered profound questions about feminism in America, discussing Gail Collins’ new book When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present

In an unconscious nod to Lubna Hussein, and our Smarty Pants crowd, Pollitt’s correct in saying that, second wave feminism was about symbolically about the right to wear pants.

There is no more threatening gesture to the patriarchal, orthodox, conservative religious male mind than a woman wearing pants.

Unlike Pollitt who finds garter belts repressive, I typically wear skirts and believe in the redemptive power of fine lingerie and expressed female sensuality. But I will march in the streets all over again — and I believe it’s time — for the rights of women to wear pants worldwide.

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