After Kanye's Emmett Till Disgrace, Swedish Politician Uses Kanye West's Music to Attack Anne Frank

TL Anne Frank in 1940, while at 6. Montessorischool, Niersstraat 41-43, Amsterdam (the Netherlands) by unknown photographe Collectie Anne Frank Stichting Amsterdam: TR BR: Anne Frank Memorial in Bergen Belsen Minnesmerke by Paalso Paal Sorensen 2009 license.

Until today, November 1, 2022, the worst news I’ve heard recently about the young Jewish hero Anne Frank was a book about her being swept into the book-banning insanity underway in Texas and across America.

Today’s news is a constellation of Anne Frank, Kanye West and far-right Swedish politician Rebecka Fallenkvist.


The Swede posted on Twitter about Anne Frank’s journal, with Kanye West’s ‘Praise God’ Music to accompany Fallenkvist’s words.

The 26-year-old has been elected as a Sweden Democratic member in Region Stockholm in 2022 and has been hosting news programs on the Sweden Democrats’ YouTube channel, called Riks. Sweden Democrats was founded in the 1980s by people previously active in right-wing extremist groups, including neo-Nazis. The party emerged as Sweden’s second-largest party in the Sept. 11 election under the leadership of Jimmie Akesson.

In the kind of vulgar language the global alt-right crowd pours onto people of conscience — more likely people holding progressive values — Fallenkvist wrote these comments about Anne Frank — accompanied by the sound of Kanye West’s voice praising God.

“Fifty pages in and so far Anne Frank has only struck me as debauched, the horniness itself,” Sweden Democrat (SD) Rebecka Fallenkvist wrote on Instagram.

The Swedish Jewish community responded with their outrage, along with Israel's ambassador to Sweden. “We are obviously outraged and disgusted by this,” Nina Tojzner, secretary-general of the Jewish youth organization in Sweden told The Jerusalem Post.

As Kanye West unleashed a tornado of anti-Semitic hate in America, his voice and music were adopted by other right-wingers in global politics.

Kanye was praised approvingly by alt-Right anti-Semites hanging a banner over the California freeway 405.

West was praised for his Jew-hating garrulous tirades by an alt-right takeover of sports stadium electronic screens in Jacksonville over the weekend. It’s clear that just as the MAGA crowd ran Kanye West’s 2020 campaign for president, they are weaving a very tight web aroound him, where he IS the Bible-toting, flamethrowing spokesman for the alt-right.

Documented reports emerged last week that Kanye West holds Adolph Hitler in high regard. Given Kanye’s obsession with Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin, it makes perfect sense that Adolph Hitler is also Kanye’s man in charge.

Now Kanye says he has never read a book, and we should believe him. One wonders if Kanye can actually read. Many people are ashamed to admit that they can’t read.

So whether Kanye bought an audio version of ‘Mein Kampf’, had someone read it to him or draft up some notes, West is alleged to have had major admiration for Hitler, going to far as to seek to name his 2018 album after the mass-murderer.

West expressed “admiration” for the Nazis and Hitler for their use of propaganda. No one can argue that both Kanye West and the MAGA Republicans understand well the reality of effective propaganda, and they are much more adept at spreading propaganda than Democrats.

The Story of Anne Frank

The young Anne Frank is famous for hiding from the Nazis with her family for about two years, during Germany’s occupation of the Netherlands, launched as part of their in May 10, 1940 invasion. Anne Frank kept a journal of these heartbreaking events. that sacrificed about 11 million people, over half of them Jews. Other groups of people were also murdered by the Nazis — disabled or handicapped people, for example.

Slowly but surely, the Nazis introduced more and more laws and regulations that made the lives of Jews more difficult. For instance, Jews could no longer visit parks, cinemas, or non-Jewish shops. The rules meant that more and more places became off-limits to Anne. Her father lost his company, since Jews were no longer allowed to run their own businesses. All Jewish children, including Anne, had to go to separate Jewish schools, writes the Anne Frank website.

When the Minister of Education of the Dutch government in England made an appeal on Radio Orange to hold on to war diaries and documents, Anne understood the importance of organizing all of her writing into one running storywas titled ‘Het Achterhuis’ (The Secret Annex).

To this day, we do not know how the police discovered the secret hiding place with the Frank family and four others. Anne and the other people in hiding were discovered and arrested by police officers on August 4, 1944.

On July 5, 1942, Anne’s older sister Margot received a call-up report for a ‘labour camp’ in Nazi, Germany, prompting the family to go into hiding with an additional four people in the Secret Annex. Anne, now 13, wrote short stories, copied stories from books that inspired her, and began work on a novel in the Secret Annex.

To this day, we do not know how the police discovered the secret hiding place with the Frank family and four others. Anne and the other people in hiding with her family were discovered and arrested by police officers on August 4, 1944.

The people from the Secret Annex were put on transport to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. The train journey took three days, during which Anne and over a thousand others were packed closely together in cattle wagons. There was little food and water and only a barrel for a toilet.

Around 350 people from Anne's transport were immediately taken to the gas chambers and murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Anne, Margot and their mother were sent to the labour camp for women. Her father Otto ended up in a camp for men.

Anne was put on transport again in early November 1944, deported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp with her sister Margot. The girls parents remained at Auschwitz.

The Deaths of Margot and Anne Frank

The conditions in Bergen-Belsen were equally horrible. There was a lack of food and miserable weather. Contagious diseases proliferated Bergen-Belsen. Anne and Margot contracted typhus, with both young women dying. In February 1945 older sister Margot died first; with Anne, a few days later.

Anne’s mother Edith died at Auschwitz, leaving only her father Otto to carry on the family legacy after the Russians liberated Auschwitz. Honoring his daughter Anne’s wish to become a journalist, Otto determined to publish the diary and in June 1947, 3,000 copies of Het Achterhuis (The Secret Annex) were printed.

The Nazis sacrificed about 11 million people, over half of them Jews. Other groups of people were also murdered by the Nazis

It’s a fact that in two short days, Kanye West and the alt-Right operating in his name have co-opted two of the most cherished victims of hatred in the world. Sunday night Kanye West desecrated the memory of Emmett Till and now today Anne Frank.

Of course, numerous free speech issues are in play here, and AOC honors Kanye West’s rights to speak his mind. It’s the same issue with Rebecka Fallenkvist. Anne of Carversville is not big on cancel culture

However, I will not sit here and be quiet, as the alt-right Maga crowd moves to sully all of us with lies so prepostrous that one can’t imagine them as being accepted as truths.

Returning to the Keller Independent School District outside Fort Worth ‘s ban on Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation”, it has returned to the school libraries. had returned “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation” as of Friday, along with the Bible and a children’s graphic novel, the district told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

In recent years scientists have studied studied fMRI brain scans among all political types and their brains’ reactions to disgusting images, confirming brain scan imaging first reported in 2014.

Even though liberals and conservatives consciously reported similar emotional reactions to the same images, their brains revealed that specific brain regions involved in processing the images and their patterns of activation differed consistently between the two groups. The results — now duplicated multiple times – are so consistent that they represented a neural signature of political leaning.

“In fact, the responses in the brain are so strong that we can predict with 95 per cent accuracy where you’ll fall on the liberal-conservative spectrum by showing you just one picture,” says neuroscientist Read Montague at Virginia Tech in Roanoke. “This was surprising as there are no other reports where people’s response to just one stimulus predicts anything behaviourally interesting.”

Within this context, we again share the filthy words about Anne Frank. Do you see the attempt to disgrace and defile her memory to the alt-Right, MAGA crowd? “Fifty pages in and so far Anne Frank has only struck me as debauched, the horniness itself,” Sweden Democrat (SD) Rebecka Fallenkvist wrote on Instagram.

These people are very deliberate and informed in executing their goals. This is why we must regard Kanye West as a serious danger to the wellbeing of the world’s progressive people. Kanye is a hardliner. For Kanye West to not see the hypocrisy of using the brutality of Emmett Tills open-casket imagery to present himself as a victim is inexcusable. But attaching himself to this specific image also channels the disgust factor. And the very people Kanye loves— hard-right, white southerners committed this monstrocity on Emmett Till. That ironic duality is way too much for Kanye West’s brain to process. ~ Anne