Taryn Andreatta | Mark Sink & Kristin Hatgi | 'The Offering' | GQ Italia Sept. 27, 2011

X-posted on Sensuality News/Provocateurs

Note | Nudity Trust the Italians to recognize the unique and special beauty of my dear friend Taryn Andreatta’s editorial ‘The Offering’,  lensed by photographers Mark Sink and Kristin Hatgi and published yesterday on GQ Italia.

Non vi sbagliate. Quelle che vedete qui sotto, sono per davvero foto che sembrano scattate almeno 150 anni fa. Hanno un sapore antico, come antica è la bellezza della giovane modella Taryn Andreatta. E d’altri tempi è infatti la tecnica utilizzata da Mark Sink e Kristen Hatgi, chiamata comunemente Wet Plate e inventata nel 1851 ca. da Frederick Scott Archer.

Translated, the technological inspiration for Taryn’s photoshoot comes from Frederick Scott Archer, inventor of the wet collodion process, the dominant photographic process used between 1981 and 1880. Unfortunately Archer didn’t patent his discovery and died a pauper six years later.

My impression on viewing ‘The Offering’ is that this determined young woman I know well, has pushed herself even deeper into the female psyche and our core theme at AOC of the need for women to positively embrace our natural sensuality.

Taryn is always willing to expore the social and moral conflicts that haunt women in America, the Middle East and other parts of the world. Her growth as a model in ‘La Amante’ by Stephen J Bell was very obvious to me. I feel that with these images, Taryn has pushed herself yet again out of her comfort zone but into a place of true beauty, timelessness and universality in her images.

I tell you, Taryn, that Anais Nin is nodding her head in approval over ‘The Offering’.

Exotic flowers, straps, reeds, mud and stylistic smudge all contribute to the eternal feminine, sensual truths revealed in the superb techniques of Mark Sink and Kristin Hatgi and their collaboration with Taryn Andreatta.

My friend and I are working on a new interview for AOC readers, ready in a few days. We will also post a video tomorrow about the wet plate colodian process used by Sink and Hatgi. This is a superbly inspiring collaborative, creative effort by this entire team. My best to all. Anne

More Taryn Andreatta editorials and interviews.


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