Filippa Hamilton | Santiago Esteban | Elle Spain March 2012 | Un Nuevo Aire Gipsy

How totally fabulous to see Filippa Hamilton dominating the March issue of Elle Spain. If you remember, the sensually gorgeous Filippa was fired from Ralph Lauren for being too fat at a size 4 in April 2009. Her modeling career took a nosedive — or so it appeared, perhaps because Filippa spoke out in the national media about the situation of women like her having undesirable bodies for fashion editors and designers.

Today we enjoy the totality of Filippa’s healthy sensuality and great style in the first of multiple editorials from Elle Spain.  Stylist Immaculada Jimenez chooses patterned hot weather selections, lensed seaside by Santiago Esteban as ‘Un Nuevo Aire Gipsy’. On a personal level, I’m so happy to see such a major Filippa statement by Elle Spain.


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