Benoit Peverelli | 'Paradise nuptiale' | Madame Le Figaro January 2011

After our lovely Italian wedding, we turn to France for a conceptually different ‘take’ on nuptials. The French have a tremendous gift for visualizing traditional themes in new ways. My favorite example was strolling through Le Louvre and peering down into a ‘graveyard’ of classical statuary, many of them in helter skelter  ruins.

This was no sad state of affairs, however. Modern blue strobe lights spun over the decay, to the sounds of modern jazz.

‘Paradise nuptiale’ French style for Madame Le Figaro Jan. 16, 2011 features Dorothee Gilbert and Aslessio Carbone, two ballet dancers from l’Opera de Paris, captured in flight by Swiss photographer Benoit Peverelli. 


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